To celebrate the release of The Mount Series Box Set, I’m running an extended excerpt of each of the three Mount novels each week. This past weekend I teased you with an excerpt from The Initiation of Ms Holly, the first book of The Mount Series. Today I’m taking you all to Vegas for a bit of desert sizzle and glitz from Fulfilling the Contract, Book two of The Mount Series Box Set. All three steamy books now available in one place in one package. And now, here is the first chapter of Fulfilling the Contract. Enjoy the heat!
The Mount Box Set Blurb:
Rita Holly’s sexy initiation; the strange contract Nick Chase fulfills for Elsa Crane; Liza Calendar and Paulo Delacour’s formulation of an exclusive perfume derive from the scent of sex – the cult of The Mount is behind them all. Shrouded in mystery and grounded in sexual exploration, The Mount is world-wide and ancient, its existence known only to its members who keep its secrets from generation to generation. Together for the first time in one volume, the accounts of The Mount in London, Las Vegas and Rome — three novels, three wild romps of lust, sexual largesse and love.
Blurb for The Initiation of Ms Holly, Book 1 of The Mount Series:
Journalist, Rita Holly, never dreamed sex with the mysterious Edward in the dark of a malfunctioning train would lead to a blindfolded, champagne-drenched tango, a spanking by a butch waitress, and an offer of initiation into the exclusive mysteries of The Mount. Desperate to save her threatened job, she agrees, scheming secretly to write an inside exposé on the club that will make her career. But as she delves deeper into the intrigue of The Mount and the lives of its members, she soon discovers that her heart may have other plans.
Blurb for Fulfilling the Contract, Book 2 of The Mount Series:
Limo driver, NICK CHASE’s bad night gets worse when he picks up TANYA POVIC at a bar only to discover the explosive sex they share lands her in breach of her very strange contract. Blaming himself that Tanya will lose the large completion bonus earmarked for her mother’s surgery, Nick negotiates with her boss, the tough and mysterious ELSA CRANE, to allow him to fulfill Tanya’s contract and secure her bonus.
Elsa runs Mount Vegas, which offers voyeuristic pleasures for a price. Nick’s job, with Elsa and her quirky team, is to give clients something worth watching through the plate glass windows of Vegas’s luxury hotels and beyond. The learning curve is steep and kinky. As Nick and Elsa’s relationship sizzles and ignites more than hotel room rendezvouses are exposed. In this sequel to The Initiation of Ms Holly things get positively dangerous as Rita Holly and her team are called in from London to lend a helping hand. Bets are being placed. Will Nick fulfil the contract? Will he and Elsa take the gamble? And will they find a way to win at the high stakes, double or nothing, game of hearts?
Blurb for To Rome with Lust, Book 3 of The Mount Series:
The adventure that Rita Holly began in The Mount in London and Nick Chase took up in Vegas continues when a sizzling encounter on a flight to Rome has journalist, Liza Calendar, and perfumer, Paulo ‘The Nose’ Delacour, in sexy olfactory heaven. The heir apparent of Martelli Fragrance, Paulo wants Liza’s magnificently sensitive nose to help develop Martelli’s controversial new line. Paulo has a secret weapon; Martelli Fragrance is the front for the original Mount, an ancient sex cult of which he is a part, and Paulo plans to use the scent of sex to enhance Martelli’s Innuendo line. As Liza and Paulo sniff out the scent of seduction, they become their own best lab rats. But when someone steals the perfume formulas and lays the blame at Liza’s feet, she and Paulo must sniff out the culprit and prove Liza’s innocence before more is exposed than just secret formulas.
Chapter 1 Fulfilling the Contract:
Letting his cock do the thinking was never advised, Nick Chase thought as he pulled Tanya – what was her last name? Something Slavic – through the back door of the bar and into the desert swelter in the alley, kissing and groping as he went.
‘Fuck me here,’ she gasped, managing for a split second to take her delicious tongue out of his mouth. ‘Is sexy here, outside. You have the condom, no?’
‘No, I mean yes, I have a condom, but I’m not having sex with you in the alley.’ He grabbed her hand and pulled her fast around the end of the building. ‘My car’s over here.’ He nodded to the black Lincoln Town Car parked in the shadow of the building.
‘You drive limo?’ she asked. Did he imagine the disappointment in her voice?
‘I own a limo, several in fact,’ he corrected. What the hell, was he bragging to get laid? How adolescent was that? Was he really that desperate? Forget desperate. It was compensation he was after. The night had gone straight down the crapper early on, and he deserved something nice to make up for it.
His last fare had had a heart attack in the back of his limo while banging a woman half his age. Okay, people using his limo for sex was something he’d didn’t get his boxers in a knot over. This was Vegas. But heart attacks, even minor ones, those were boxer knotting experiences, experiences that didn’t do his heart a lot of good either! The woman who caused the man’s melt-down had bailed at the first stoplight like they were in some shoot-em-up film. It might have been funny if she hadn’t left Nick to rush Casanova to the emergency room. There he’d waited until the angry wife arrived several hours, and what would have been several good fares, later. He figured a minor heart attack was nothing compared to what the man would get from his wife when she got him home. Nick didn’t mind being a good Samaritan, but when a man twice his age and three times his weight got a good hard riding in the back of his limo, while he was reduced to slapping the sausage when he actually had time to be horny, it was hard to be sympathetic.
If that wasn’t bad enough, he left the hospital to find that his limo had been towed. By the time he’d found out where it was, paid a taxi to get him there and paid the fine to release it, he was pissed off, tired, and $300 poorer for his night’s efforts. Feeling pretty damned sorry for himself, he’d stopped at the Mango on the way home for a much-needed drink. He couldn’t actually drink anything stronger than a Coke and drive on home, but home was a fair ways yet and, at least, some caffeine was in order. That’s where he met Tanya. She was a busty blond with eyes the colour of toffee and a sexy Slavic accent that stirred him right in the crotchial area. She sat down on the stool next to him offering him a kick-ass smile as she ordered a cosmopolitan. At first he wondered if she were a hooker. But when she ignored the attentions of the guy on the other side of her and politely hinted that she wasn’t interested, Nick figured she was just a tourist who either got lost or got adventurous. And when the man wouldn’t take the hint, it was Mr Good Samaritan to the rescue again.
‘Hey buddy, she’s with me.’ Nick offered a don’t-want-any-trouble sort of smile, to which the guy lifted his hands in response, mumbled an apology and took his beer over to the slot machines.
Three cokes, two strong coffees and several cosmos later and Nick had forgotten all about his ambulance run. In fact, he’d forgotten all about everything except Tanya. He’d like to say it was her accent, or the fact that she was a good conversationalist, and both were true. But honestly, it was Tanya’s well-displayed cleavage that had his full attention.
‘If you want a real drink,’ she said, ‘is no problem. ‘You order it. I will take it in my mouth, swish it all around. And then I will kiss it into your mouth. Like this.’ She demonstrated with a mouthful of cosmo and a cranberry flavoured lip lock that had his cock hard-pressed in his jeans. She came up smacking her lips. ‘And that way you will get the flavour and I will get the alcohol.’
‘Tanya, I could do that all night, but I think your science is flawed. I’d be both drunk and horny and I’d have to call a taxi to get both of us home.’
‘Is true. I swear,’ she said. Then she offered him a wicked smile. ‘As for the horny part, well, is a side effect of the procedure, I’m afraid.’
That was when he dive-bombed her mouth with his, coming up breathless as her hand snaked up the inside of his thigh, and he returned the favor by toying with the hem of her curve hugging mini dress, all bright with the sort of tropical print Vegas tourists often wore.
The flirting became foreplay as she opened her legs to give him a glimpse of a skimpy red thong before sliding to the edge of the barstool and pulling his hand up against the triangle of fabric moistening next her goodies. Her cherry red nails made less than gentle scratching motions against his fly as his mouth found hers once more and, after another serious wrestling match with her tongue, he pulled her from the stool and practically dragged her toward the back door, groping as they went.
The parking lot was full of expensive cars, and two things quickly became clear. Tanya had had a few more comos than necessary for an alcoholic buzz. And Tanya had a car fetish. ‘Oooh! A Humvee! She squealed. And before he could stop her, she raced over to the vehicle. That was no small feat in her outrageously high heels, and even more astonishingly, she actually stepped out of her red thong as she did so. Then she hoiked her skirt and hopped onto the hood of the black Humvee that was waxed to an eye-dazzling sheen even in the glow of the streetlights. Once she was up, her heels clunk clunking on the waxed surface, she spread her legs wide and squatted, giving him a tantalizing view of her pussy before she arched her back and thrust her hips forward in just such a way that said pussy was up-close and personal with said wax job giving it … well a wax job. ‘Bože! Oh bože! Is good,’ she moaned. ‘Is so good! Come! Join me’
‘Jesus, Tanya! Get off there! Come down from there,’ he hissed, anxiously stooping to pick up the shed panties and stuffing them into his pocket. Three men came out of the bar and got an eye full when Tanya chose that moment to flash her very excellent tits from her position high atop the hood of the Humvee.
The men made no attempt to look away and Tanya made no attempt hide what she had. And Nick had to admit that in the competition between his very impressed cock and the fear of getting arrested as an accessory to Tanya’s indecent exposure, his cock was winning, hands down. ‘Come on, come down here. Now!’ He gave another look around the parking lot and offered her his hand. Giggling loudly, she took it and slid, open-legged, off the Humvee leaving a very wet path right down the centre of the hood that left no doubt as to what had caused it. From there she launched herself at him mouth first, with her magnificent and still uncovered tits, not far behind.
‘Ooooh! There’s a Porsche. I love Porsches.’
Nick figured if the Humvee made her wet the Porsche would probably give her multiples, but he wasn’t risking another scene. He kept his arm around her waist and half escorted, half carried her to the limo. Before he could get the door unlocked she spat on her hands and slathered her nipples with a good dose of saliva. Then she gave the driver’s side window the full-frontal rub-up. Tit prints. Nick had tit prints on the window of his limo. Looking rather pleased with her art work, Tanya leaned on the back door fingering herself while he unlocked.
‘Do the people ever have sex in your limo when you are driving them?’
‘Yup.’ He decided not to tell her about his last unpleasant experience.
‘Oooh, is sexy!’ She managed a grope at his fly and rubbed up against him before he opened the back door and push her in, with her pulling him in on top. ‘Do you watch them in your mirror?’ She asked, tugging loose his belt and going to work on his fly. ‘Do they sometimes make you come?’
‘Not so far, no.’
She made a tut-tut sound with her tongue before she slipped it back in his mouth. ‘Do they ever ask you to join them?’ She slurred the words across his lips.
‘I’ve had offers,’ he managed, pulling away far enough to tug at a delicious mouthful of nipple. ‘Wouldn’t be very professional me joining the orgy, though, would it?’
‘Spoil sport.’ She offered him a pout before she squirmed out from under him, and slid down his body to take his very agreeable cock into her mouth. And wow, could the woman suck cock! Her throat was seriously deep and her grip was tight enough to suck the paint of a mop handle. And her tongue, holy Christ on a pogo stick, her tongue was warm and wet and all over the place. He curled his fingers in the masses of blond hair while she sucked and licked his cock like it was the best lolly pop ever. Her skirt was still hiked up over her hips exposing the shift and grind, shift and grind of her pert little ass as she rode her hand like a rocking horse. And the door was still open!
The smell of her pussy filled the dry desert air with a humid sea scent of female heat, and he could almost make out the wet sounds of her fingers dancing over her snatch above the slurping and licking of her tight mouth. But as delicious as her mouth was, it was her pussy he wanted. And she must have read his mind because just as he reached for the condom in his pocket, she came up gasping and wiping her mouth.
‘Fuck me. Please fuck me, Nick. I need you to fuck me now.’
It was all he could do to hold her off until he got suited up for business, and then she shoved onto him so hard that she left him gasping for breath and grabbing her hips in self-preservation, at least until he caught her rhythm. And then he let her ride him hard.
‘You’re cock is so good. It fits so tight up in my pussy,’ she half whispered. ‘I need to come, Nick, I need to come so bad, so bad.’
As much as he wanted to knead and caress her luscious breasts, he couldn’t bring himself to shove her hands away from the filthy mauling she was giving them. Her nipples were engorged like fat cherry gumdrops that made his mouth water. Surely it must hurt the way she pinched and tugged and squeezed.
He raked the nib of her clit until it pearled and jutted from under its hood and raked back against his finger, wet from the flood of her juices lubricating his sheathed cock. ‘Is hard. My clit is so hard,’ she sighed. ‘And my pussy is eating your cock like hungry mouth.’
Yup, it was doing that alright, and very well getting the job done. One last stroke of her clit and her orgasm broke in a vice-grip clench on his cock. ‘I’m coming! I’m coming!’ She keened just as two more men stepped out – probably to take a piss in the alley, but they only registered as a minor distraction because Tanya’s tight grip and bounce and her orgasmic tremors along his cock had Nick coming too. Tanya’s spasms milked every last drop from him, and it was a lot. He was amazed there weren’t broken bones or pulled muscles for their efforts.
He had just disposed of the condom and she was wiping herself clean with the box of tissue he kept in the back of the Town Car when another limo pulled up way too close for politeness considering there was plenty of room in the parking lot.
At the sight of it, Tanya cried out, and it wasn’t with the delight she’d had over the Humvee. She tossed the wad of tissue she’d been using and turned to run just as a man the size of a small freight train stepped out and grabbed her by the arm. ‘You need to come with us, Tanya.’
‘No! No! Don’t let them take me, Nick. Please don’t let them take me.’ She hammered ineffectually on the man’s chest. ‘Leave me alone. I haven’t done anything wrong. I haven’t.’
‘Did you fuck him?’ The man asked, in a voice that seemed way too soft for anyone that size. When she began to sob, the man simply shook his head and helped her into the open limo. ‘You can explain everything to Elsa when you get home.’
And Nick attacked. Well it wasn’t much of an attack. The man just shrugged him off and pressed him up against the hood of his own limo with one beefy hand. ‘This is not your concern, Mr. Chase.’
‘It is if she doesn’t want to go, besides … How do you know my name?’ Nick didn’t strain against the man’s stiff arm hold. He knew it wouldn’t help. ‘She doesn’t want to go,’ he said as if repeating it louder would send the big man packing in fear. Jesus! Where was his sense of self-preservation? Was he out of his mind? This could be mafia, maybe this man was her pimp. Hell, he knew thinking with his cock was a bad idea. ‘I’ll call the cops,’ he threatened.
The man raised an unimpressed eyebrow. ‘And tell them what? Tanya’s drunk. And when she’s drunk she becomes a drama queen. She shouldn’t be here and she knows it. I’m just taking her home. That’s all. And I’d advise you to stay out of it.’ He gave Nick a half-hearted warning shove before he got back in the car and drove away with Tanya yelling. ‘Please Nick! Don’t let them take me! I don’t want to go. I want to stay with you!’
And Nick, stupid man that he was, hopped in his limo and followed.