you an interview I had last winter with Rita Holly, whom I met in London to pick her brain about the latest gossip from Vegas with Elsa Crane and Nick Chase. I like to revisit my interviews and days out with my characters from time to time. I find it’s like time spent with good friends, and it’s always my chance to get to know them better. I never know what I’ll find about them. I hope you enjoy!
I seldom come into London by car, but when someone else is doing the driving, in a shiny black limo sent by Rita Holly to bring me from Surrey for our interview at The Mount in style, I take time to enjoy the view along the Thames as we head in along the A3. When we arrive, I’m surprised to be met by Alex deliciously sweaty and glistening after an early morning dance lesson. He leads me back to one of the private dining rooms. The rest of the place is deserted at this our. I find Rita waiting for me. She has ordered tea and fresh scones, which smell heavenly as she greets me with a hug and pours the tea.
Once the tea is poured and the scones are buttered, I take time to enjoy a delicious mouthful, and then I can’t hold back my curiosity any longer.
KD: Rita, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to give me the skinny on Mount Vegas. I have it on good authority that you know what Elsa Crane and her crew – especially Nick Chase — are up to. BTW, you look a little tired, are you alright?
RH: I’m fine, KD. I was just up in the wee hours Skyping with Elsa Crane. Quite a time difference between London and Vegas, you know? Elsa is taking Mount Vegas on a path that’s totally new in the history of The Mount, and it’s exciting to watch (offers a wicked little laugh) no pun intended.
KD: You mean the voyeurism thing? I noticed that the Mount Vegas business card says Where there’s always a room with a view.
RH: (Adds a big spoonful of clotted cream and some raspberry jam to her scone, and makes an orgasmic moan at her first bite) I know, I know, cream tea is not a breakfast treat, but really, who can resist? Anyway, yeah, Mount Vegas. With all those big windows in high rise hotels crammed together along the Strip, who wouldn’t want to have a little look-see at what the neighbours in the room across the street are getting up to. And how cool would it be if those neighbours are naked and writhing out your hottest fantasy, KD.
KD: With you watching through a scope?’
RH: Exactly!(She shoves the clotted cream in my direction and I indulge too. She’s such a bad influence.) Elsa and her team just take advantage of the situation. Any fantasy you want, you can view. It’s not like a porn film. It’s like you just happened to catch the couple across the way inviting the hotel maid into the action, or a couple of women sneaking into the pool after dark for a little touchy feely – whatever your fantasy, Elsa and her team can make it happen.
KD: Wow! Sounds really hot! But it also sounds complicated. How does Elsa manage it?
RH: Her team’s very competent and sexy as hell. They go into hotel rooms, casinos, limos, whatever the client wants to watch. If clients want a dungeon scene, they can have it, if they want a pool scene, they can have it. Elsa even had a couple of her team go at it in the disappearing closet of a famous magician.
No matter what the fantasy, they can make it happen, and the result is always a satisfied customer. Plus, I think the team actually enjoy what they do. They get to have lots of sex in lots of kinky places, and most of them find it really hot being watched by strangers.
(Rita refills my teacup and I watch as Alex coaches Rita’s friend Kate in a very close tango that could very easily devolve into something a whole lot naughtier. I return my attention to Rita when she offers me the milk, along with a conspiratorial smile.)
I’ll let you in on a little secret; Elsa’s working on a fantasy for one of her regular customers – it’s one of those billionaire and virgin fantasies. She says she gets a lot of those since Fifty Shades of Grey. Anyway, she’s asked Edward and me to play the lead roles. We can’t wait! It’s a trip to Vegas and a chance to unleash our inner exhibitionists. Plus it’ll give me a chance to pump Elsa about what’s going on between her and her newest team member.
KD: I’d heard rumours that Elsa and her team had taken on a new member, though it sounds like not everyone’s convinced he can do the job.
RH: I have to admit, KD, (She waves her teaspoon at me) I’m really intrigues by what’s happening. Nick Chase is a limo driver, well he owns a limo service, actually. Elsa tells me, he picked up her girl, Tanya Povic at a bar. Apparently he’s the last person you’d ever expect to pick up a chick at a bar, but he’d had a really bad day. He had no idea that sex with Tanya would put her in breach of her contract, and he felt so bad about Tanya losing her job and the loss of the bonus she’d have had if she’d finished the last two months of her contract, that he volunteered to finish it for her.
KD: Seriously? Why would he do that? Does he have any idea what he’s getting himself into? (The dance floor erupts in a wave of giggles, but Rita has my full attention with this little bit of gossip)
RH: I doubt it, and frankly I’m surprised Elsa’s allowing him to fill in for Tanya. He’s a really nice guy. He’s definitely not a one-night stander. A bit conservative, if you know what I mean.
KD: Doesn’t sound like playing an exhibitionist in front of the scopes of Mount Vegas clients is the job for him then. What was Elsa thinking hiring him? What was Nick thinking? Do you suppose he’s fallen for Tanya?
RH: I think it’s actually Elsa he’s got the hots for. It surprises me that she can’t see that, but then again, a little romance would do the woman good. She can be a real hard ass.
KD: Do you think Nick Chase can do the job and fulfill the contract for Tanya?
RH: I don’t know, but I have every intention of finding out. Pagan – he’s Elsa’s resident nerd – he can hook me up electronically for virtual ringside seats of Nick Chase’s debut, and I plan to take full advantage. I really want a look at the man’s assets, if you know what I mean. (We have a laugh and pile more clotted cream and jam on fresh scones)
KD: Do you think you could get Pagan to hook me up to so I could watch? I’m dying to see Nick Chase in action.
RH: No worries! I’ll talk to him. I’ll have him to connect your readers too so they can have a peek.
KD: Thanks, Rita. That’d be great! Do you think he’ll be performing with Elsa?
RH: Oh I think there’ll be quite a performance with him and Elsa. Though I doubt if it’ll be for the eyes of the clients. (Looks down at her watch and inhales the rest of her tea) Goodness look at the time. I’ve gotta run. Edward and I are meeting Leo out at the Zoo. He has a new Pet he wants us to meet. But stay and finish your tea. Alex says he has time if you want to work in a dance lesson, than the driver will take you back home.
KD: (We both stand and she gives me another hug) Thanks for breakfast, Rita. And thanks for giving us the skinny on Nick and Elsa over at Mount Vegas.
See more of Rita Holly in books one and two and three of The Mount series – The Initiation of Ms Holly and Fulfilling the Contract and To Rome with Lust
The Mount Series is not available in its entirety as a Box Set. Triple the excitement, triple the fun!
Excerpts from Rita Holly’s interview first appeared on Erzabet Bishop’s blog 17 February 2014.