Tag Archives: BDSM erotica

The Psychology of Dreams 101 Launches Today!

You’re Beautiful When you Dream!


I’m excited to start 2017 on a high note. It’s Launch day for The Psychology of Dreams 101! Who hasn’t had sexy dreams about a professor or a teacher or someone they’ve crushed on? And, seriously, is there anything more sexy than thinking about the psychology of what happens when dreams turn steamy?

The Psychology of Dreams 101 is the story of Leah Kent, who takes an adult education class called The Psychology of Dreams 101, which involves keeping a dream journal. But when her journal starts taking on a very sexy, sometimes chilly life of her own, and she finds her dreams tied to those of her professor, Al Foster, their joint exploration of the dream world goes from sizzling to chilling and back again.

The Psychology of Dreams 101 is an X-rated, fast paced novella in which nothing is what it appears to be, but then dreams are like that, aren’t they?

Here’s a little excerpt from Leah’s journey into the dream world. Enjoy.



The Psychology of Dreams 101 Blurb:

What if there was punishment when you didn’t dream the right dreams? That’s the dilemma Leah Kent, and her professor, Al Foster must face—dream right, or take the punishment. The Psychology of Dreams 101 is a wander into the sexy and dark unconscious as Leah takes a Psychology of Dreams adult education class, only to discover that the required dream journal leads to some seriously kinky night journeys. But not all dreams are pleasant ones, and some have far-reaching repercussions in the waking world.


Excerpt — Dream Punishment:

Perhaps it was OD-ing on romcoms that caused her to have sexy dream about Al. In truth they were mostly just images, disjointed, arousing, sometimes shameful images – images of walking into his office and finding him masturbating, images of somehow ending up in the men’s locker room at the gym and finding him in the shower, steamy water pulsing over strong arms and a tight ass as he hunched over himself paying particular attention to the soaping of his junk. There was one dream, however, that she remembered vividly. Al sat behind his desk in the empty classroom clad in his usual polo shirt and jeans. He had asked her to stay after. “I’m not happy with your dream journal, Leah,” he said, looking her up and down. She suddenly felt naked, embarrassed, and dreams being what they were, well she had good reason. She wore only red lace underwear that was nearly transparent; certainly they did nothing to disguise her heavy nipples. “When are you going to learn that all you have to do is just relax and let it happen?”

“I try, Al, really I do, but I just can’t seem to dream about you.”

“Then perhaps you need a little encouragement.” He stood and pulled his belt from its loops around his waist all the while raking her with a critical gaze. “If I lay a few bright pink welts across your nice round ass, do you think maybe when you lie down in bed tonight, when your poor tender bottom touches those clean rough sheets, you might manage to remember me in your dreams?”

“Yes. Yes, I think that might help,” she said. Fuck! What was she thinking? How could she agree to such a thing? And yet, she did, most heartily she did.

Before she could say more, or rethink the arrangement, he yanked her around the desk, dropped back into the chair and pulled her over his knees. He all but tore her panties off her and she woke screaming and begging just as the first lash fell. For a moment she lay in the darkness gasping for breath, struggling with the strange mix of emotions that came from wanting the man to spank her and yet not, but certainly wishing she could go back to sleep and finish the dream. She was wet with sweat and, was she imagining it, or did her bottom actually hurt? She was definitely not imaging her state of arousal. There would be no returning to the dream world until she could make herself a little more comfortable, and that meant fantasizing about just what Al would do after he’d finished spanking her. It didn’t take her long to bring herself over the edge, and then she fell almost instantly back to sleep.

It was the morning sun streaming through the curtains she forgot to close that woke her, disappointed that Al Foster had not returned to her dreamscape, though he had, nonetheless, provided her with a good orgasm. Certainly she couldn’t’ write any of those dreams in her journal. She might have to start a private journal just for sexy dreams – assuming this wasn’t a one-off. God, she hoped this wasn’t a one-off.

As she sat up on the edge of her bed and stretched, she noticed the dream journal open with the pen lying across the
page, which read:

You look beautiful when you dream. It was a good dream, the kind you don’t want to wake up from. At last, Leah,
you’re doing it right! You can always tell when you do it right by the way your nipples bead beneath the sheet, by the
way your lips turned up at the corners, slightly parted as though waiting to be kissed. And, take a sniff, Leah. Your scent is the scent of dreams well dreamed, luscious and ripe. Well done, Leah! Well done!

There was no doubt the writing was her own, though way neater than most of the scrawl she’d written at speed. The thing was, she had no memory of writing it.


Buy Links for The Psychology of Dreams 101 Here:


Elizabeth Black has No Restraint, and So Can You

It’s a pleasure to welcome one of my favourite regulars to A Hopeful Romantic today. Elizabeth Black is here on tour for her fabulous new novel, NO RESTRAINT. I’m especially excited about having her today because Elizabeth asked me to write the forward, an honour for which I am very grateful. Welcome, Elizabeth!


no-restraint-largeIn Chapter 9 in my new erotic romance novel No Restraint, Alex Craig and her shiny new lover Jackson Beale head to the beach. The novel is set in Boston but they run to Rockport, Massachusetts for a bit of sun and fun. Rockport is a coastal art colony with lots of kitschy stores and unique restaurants. There are plenty of beaches tucked into the coastline, and this town is a popular tourist destination.


I live in Rockport, and I wanted to bring a bit of the town into my book. What better place for my characters to enjoy a little surf and turf? More people are familiar with Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard, which are on the South Shore. Rockport and its neighboring city Gloucester are in Cape Ann on the North Shore.


I’ve lived in Rockport for over 20 years after moving here from Maryland. I loved Maryland’s Eastern Shore, which is where you’ll find the beaches and small town, rural living. After living in cities my whole life I came to love the small town vibe of Rockport.


The beaches here are very important to me and I’ve made them a daily part of my life – at least as long as Nor’easters and blizzards allow. My two favorite beaches are Long Beach and Cape Hedge Beach. Long Beach has beach houses dating back as far as the 1930s and some early 1900s lined up along a concrete pathway overlooking the beach. When it’s high tide and there isn’t much beach to walk on, I walk on that pathway. Walking is my primary form of exercise. The Long Beach Motor Inn is popular with tourists, as are the beach houses. There is a resident’s parking area to one side of the beach, and it’s always accessible. And private. That’s important.


Cape Hedge is more secluded and definitely only for residents. You need special parking stickers to park on the street rockport2leading to the beach. Tourists aren’t as welcome. This beach is my favorite because it’s not busy and it’s fairly large. It’s also right next to Long Beach so I may walk to that beach if I wish to.


I based my beach in No Restraint on a combination of both of these beaches and the much larger Good Harbor Beach in nearby Gloucester. There is plenty of sand and churning water. The water is also cold! This year was an exception. The water was comfortable enough to swim in, and my husband and I have made a habit of it. We even bought snorkeling gear to check out the ocean floor. We find mostly rocks, shells and occasionally a sand dollar or sea urchin. Sometimes we catch crabs skittering across the sand. The water stays placid so it’s enjoyable for beginners like me to snorkel.


So what if you want to head to a restaurant and do the tourist trap shop thing after an afternoon swimming? You head to the Headlands and Bearskin Neck; both of which I describe in the book. The Headlands are cliffs overlooking Rockport harbor, and it is a popular picnic spot. Alex and Jackson enjoy a meal there before heading to the shops in Bearskin Neck, which is a short walk away. You’ll find all kinds of shops in Bearskin Neck – jewelry, beads, coffee and tea, a strudel café, pottery, clothing, paintings and other local art. And then there are the restaurants! Alex and Jackson enjoy breakfast based on a local joint called Hula Moon. I eat there often. The owners are from Hawaii and they’ve brought the aloha spirit with them. I’ve enjoyed the banana macadamia nut pancakes and Kona coffee Alex and Jackson take in for breakfast. The flavors are magnificent. I, like Alex and Jackson, have developed a distinctive palate for fine food and drink.


rockport1There are only two hotels in Rockport. They’re more like motor inns – smaller and less intrusive on the quaint landscape. Alex and Jackson stay at the Land’s End Inn, which I based on the numerous inns and bed and breakfasts in the area. These homes away from home are festooned with Victorian decorations and furnishings to relax and impress you. Some have patios and decks where you may go outside, sit in an Adirondack chair or at a table, and enjoy many glasses of champagne while you bask in the ocean view. Catch a lovely sunset on the sea while you’ve escaped the hustle and bustle of the big city. Time slows down in places like Rockport, which is one reason I love it here. Crime is so low people leave their doors open 24 hours per day. Even all the cats are related. LOL Like most small towns, everyone knows each other. That can be a good thing as well as a bad thing, but mostly a good thing. People here look after each other.


Rockport is a small town with a lovely. beachy feel. The next time I move will either be to another home in town or Hawaii. My husband grew up on Oahu and he’s eager to return. For one thing, the water is much warmer! So I will enjoy Rockport as long as I can, until I move into another paradise. Alex and Jackson appreciate the finer things in life and Rockport gives them the opportunity to experience more of it.


 Buy Links:

Amazon U. S.: https://www.amazon.com/No-Restraint-Elizabeth-Black-ebook/dp/B01IGHFZI0/r

Amazon U. K.: https://www.amazon.co.uk/No-Restraint-Elizabeth-Black-ebook/dp/B01IGHFZI0/


No Restraint Blurb:

Alex Craig accepts a new job at a high-end sex doll company called Babes. Babes’ dolls are high-end, expensive silicone love toys. Working at Babes is like working for a bacchanal. The company’s culture is all about decadence, enjoying the good life, exciting sex, and enticing food and drink. Alex meets Jackson Beale, one of the company’s vice-presidents. Jackson takes Alex on a new and exciting journey of carnal pleasure. He introduces her to new tactile and kinky pleasures, and she relishes her excitement. The world takes on an entirely new meaning and importance to Alex as she learns what she’s been missing in her life.


No Restraint Excerpt:

(Intro – Alex Craig is applying for a job at Babes, a company that makes expensive, high-end sex dolls. She lusts after Jackson Beale, one of the VPs she just met during her interview. She is a dead ringer for the latest, state-of-the-art doll, which is both exciting and unsettling. As she inspects the doll to determine how to improve it, she purposefully reveals a bit too much about herself.)


‘How is she to fuck?’ Alex’s throat felt dry as she asked the question. She looked at Jackson. She wanted to hear his answer more than anyone else’s. Did she arouse him, in the flesh and in the form of a doll? ‘I throb when I come. You could add a removable vibrating bullet to the vagina. Also, maybe make it a removable pocket pussy so she’s easy to clean and he can take the pussy traveling with him.’ She walked to the doll and slipped in two fingers. ‘Good, she’s very tight. I’ve used Ben Wa balls to strengthen my pelvic floor. My lovers liked that very much.’

‘Lovers?’ Jackson straightened up in his chair. Good. I have his attention. ‘How many lovers do you have?’

‘I had four, but I broke off the relationships. They were very clingy. I don’t like to be tied down.’ I can’t believe I just said that …

‘You don’t?’ It was no wonder Jackson curled up one lip at her. His eyes danced and gleamed in the fluorescent lights. My God, he is easy on the eyes. I wonder what he must think of me with the way he’s teasing me and twisting my words.

‘Not in that way. I’ve never been tied down to a bed, if that’s what you mean. I might like it.’ Feeling warm, she returned to her seat. Badly wanting to remove her jacket but resisting the urge, she wondered if such sexually charged discussions were commonplace at Babes. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but the erotic talk shouldn’t have been a surprise since this was a sex dolls company, after all.


About Elizabeth Black:

Elizabeth Black lives a dream life in a small home on the Massachusetts coast. She tries to go to the beach every day. When in the Zone, she writes erotic fiction, romance, dark fiction, and horror. She aims for la Dolce Vita and lives every day as if it were a feast. She shared her life with her husband, son, and three cats. She is published by Xcite Books, Cleis Press, Circlet Press, Bold Strokes Books, and other publishers. You may find her on the web in the following locations:




Find Elizabeth Black Here:


Elizabeth Black – Blog and Web Site



Elizabeth Black – Facebook



Elizabeth Black/E. A. Black – Facebook Page (Like me please!)



Elizabeth Black – Twitter (Follow me please!)



Elizabeth Black – Erotic Fiction Amazon Author Page



The Psychology of Dreams 101 Episode 16

Psychology of Dreams cover12985576_1537272663241009_8777292825525497968_nWelcome to the next instalment of The Psychology of Dreams 101, in which there are rewards for punishments and a return to the dream. I thought this would be the last episode, but as it turns out there is one more, so hang on for the ride.


What if you got punished when you didn’t get your dreams right? That’s the dilemma our heroin, Leah, and her psychology of dreams teacher, Al. The Psychology of Dreams 101 is a romp into the sexy unconscious as Leah Kent takes a Psychology of Dreams adult education class, only to discover that the required Dream Journal leads to some seriously kinky night journeys.


If you missed episode 15, find it here.

Chapter 16 Taking a Risk

In a spastic tango, Al walked her back against the wall, kissing her as he went – really kissing her as he went, and all the while he nudged and pressed and undulated up close and personal, coaxing and enticing her one step at a time until the wall pressed up tight against her shoulders. He tugged and worried her sweats down over her hips. With a little shake and wriggle of her bottom, they dropped to pool around her feet and she stepped free and gave them a hard kick. With one hand, he dug in his pocket for a condom while with the other he struggled with his fly. Clearly this sort of multi-tasking wasn’t his forte. She uttered an impatient curse, slapped his hands away and made quick work of the snap and zipper, grabbing a double handful of his clenching ass-cheeks as she shoved jeans and boxers down. His cock gave her a stiff salute, and she closed her hand around the shaft and began to squeeze and stroke.

“O God! Oh Christ,” he hissed between gritted teeth, closing his fist around her wrist. “Don’t to that. Jesus, Leah, don’t do that – not yet. I won’t last two minutes if you don’t stop.” He nearly dropped the condom before he managed to roll it on with in between some seriously colorful language, then Leah grabbed him again, reaching between her legs to open herself. She was already slick and swollen. Hell, hadn’t she been horny for him from the beginning? And as much as she wanted to linger, she also wanted to hurry, just in case they got interrupted, just in case this time was no different than the others, just in case this time was no more real.

She gave a little yelp of surprise as he cupped her bare bottom in his hands and lifted her onto him. “I wanted our first time to be long and lingering, Leah.” His voice was breathless and, as he thrust home, he spoke almost as though he’d read her thoughts. “I wanted to make it last. Not gonna happen. We’ve both waited too long for that.” He bit her ear, and she bucked against him, sheathing him still deeper. “We’ll have to save the lingering for the second time.”

“I’m okay with that.” Her words came out in hard little grunts, and then she went back to eating his mouth. She didn’t need it to last. Right now she just needed it to happen, right now she all she wanted was to come with Al inside her. She needed that in the worst sort of way. She’d needed that for what seemed like an eternity. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began to thrust, and he thrust back, groaning as though the very act might have caused him as much pain as it did pleasure. He gave up trying to unbutton her shirt, and she raised her arms so he could drag it off over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples were heavy and aching for his attention, which he gave happily – first with his thumbs, and then with his mouth. He’d barely managed a good hard lick and suck of each in turn, before his whole body tensed and he held his breath, shivering and convulsing as he came, and the tremors of him inside her sent her into her own release with a little cry of surprise, as though she hadn’t actually believed that this time it would really happen.

Their coming was not a graceful act. She bumped her head on the wall. He nearly tripped over his jeans, fallen around his knees, a move that would have taken them both over backward onto the floor if he hadn’t caught his balance at the last minute and, with her still wrapped around him, carried her to the bedroom where he deposited her in the middle of the bed in spite of said jeans around said knees, which turned his efforts into a mincing-stepped shuffle. The man was coordinated. She’d give him that.

“Not on the bed,” she managed weakly. “Don’t put me on the bed. I don’t want to sleep. I don’t want to dream.”

“No sleeping happening here,” he said, as he slid out of the rest of his clothing then deposited the used condom in the trash while she grumbled at his sudden, if very brief, absence. That done, he all but fell onto the mattress and wriggled in between her spread legs face first. As he slid his tongue wide and flat all the way from her perineum, in between her swollen labia and right on up to her clit, she wondered, for the briefest of moments, just where the man got his oral skills. From what he’d told her, she’d guess it wasn’t Diana and, if it had been Dr. Clyde, well, that possibility somehow made her all the wetter. That was the last coherent thought she managed about much of anything as he began to circle and suck, circle and nip, cupping her ass cheeks in his hands, pulling her closer to him, as though he wanted to climb up inside her face first – a thought that made her tremble all over.

They came again – several times. In fact she wasn’t sure how many times because her last memory before she lost consciousness was of him fucking her from a spoon position slow and lazy-like — though it was probably less laziness and more exhaustion, but her brain had been too muddled from so much fabulous sex to realize their mistake until she found herself on the roof of the high rise from which Dianna had jumped, from which she had pushed Al and Dr. Clyde. Al sat next to her, and they were both naked.

“I should have known. I should have forced the issue when you took me into the bed,” she said looking out over the lights of the city far below. “And now here we are again, back in the dream.”

“It wouldn’t have made any difference if we’d been in the bed or on the floor or out at the campground. You’re exhausted. No matter how hard you tried to stay awake, sooner or later you were bound to sleep, and when you sleep, you dream.”

“Why did you bring me here?” she asked, figuring she would be terrified of the way they both sat unclothed with their feet dangling off the edge of the roof into nothingness if she hadn’t known that it was a dream.

“I didn’t bring you here,” he replied, “but it’s not too much of a surprise that this is where we ended up, is it? Under the circumstances.”

“Not really, I guess. “Is Doctor Clyde here,” she asked with a quick glance around.

“Nope. Just us this time. No interruptions.”

“No interruptions,” she repeated. “I still don’t understand what’s going on. I told you I wouldn’t dream with you.”

I didn’t plan it if that’s what you think. I wouldn’t lie to you.” He scratched his stubbled chin and shifted just right for her to get a view of his cock at half-mast. “The thing about dreams, Leah, is that we can’t really control them. Derrick and I couldn’t and neither can you and I.”

“But maybe you didn’t tell me the whole truth. Is that possible?”

He shifted and ground his ass against the concrete, laying a protective hand against his growing erection. “I suppose it is. Maybe my unconscious took things out of my hands. You know how the unconscious is.”

“And what are we going to do if we can’t get back?” She surprised herself at how matter of fact she asked the question.

“You can leave whenever you want. All you have to do is wake up. That’s all you ever had to do. You stayed because there was something you wanted from the dream, something your unconscious needed. You know you didn’t sleep, or even dream, any longer than you normally would on any given night. It was just a nightmare, that’s all, a nightmare that seemed unusually real.”

f7c97536836dc44ea7a1faaa02ab1a6a“But what if I can’t? What if I’m stuck? Then what, Al? I know you say it was just a part of the nightmare, but humor me.”

He dropped a gentle kiss on her lips and held her gaze. “You won’t be stuck, Leah. I’m here now. For the first time you’ve finally let me in, and I’ll help you find your way back.”

“Finally let you in? Al, what the hell are you talking about?” Her chest tightened and she felt a chill rise up her spine. “We’ve dreamed together before, that’s why I didn’t want to come back here.” The wind had picked up and the benighted city below seemed even darker than usual. She tried to remember if she’d ever seen the city in daylight.

He rested his hands gently on her shoulders and held her gaze. “Leah, we’ve never dreamed together before. You’ve only just now let me in, and I’m encouraged. I’m hopeful that now you’ll let me take you back, back to the waking world.”

The Psychology of Dreams 101: Chapter 14



Welcome to the next instalment of The Psychology of Dreams 101. Leah may be awake at last, but a confrontation with Al proves that things are far from simple and far from finished.

What if you got punished when you didn’t get your dreams right? That’s the dilemma our heroin, Leah, and her psychology of dreams teacher, Al. The Psychology of Dreams 101 is a romp into the sexy unconscious as Leah Kent takes a Psychology of Dreams adult education class, only to discover that the required Dream Journal leads to some seriously kinky night journeys.


If you’ve missed Episode 13, find it here. 



Chapter 14 Reality Bites

“How the hell did you do it?” His voice rose just enough to make her pulse jump and her skin prickle. “How did you invade my dreams?”

Her hands were less than steady as she flipped through the pages of his dream journal. In fact, by the time she realizes what she was looking at, they were shaking so hard that the risk of ripping pages out was very real. There was the dream she’d written with Dr. Clyde sleeping next to her – when she thought she had finally woken up, there was the dream in Eddie’s Diner, there were the dreams of her splayed across the doctor’s desk, there was the dream of her and Al in the darkened campground on Mount Hood. They were all there and all exactly in her words, as far as she could tell — though it was definitely Al’s writing.

She threw her own journal down on his desk. “That — all of that, was in my journal before I woke up. How the fuck did it get in yours?”

He picked up her notebook as though he was afraid it might bite him and opened it very carefully, then flipped through the pages. At last he looked up at her. “Jesus! You didn’t even give me my privacy in the shower?” He stabbed the entry of the masturbation dream with an accusatory finger, and she jerked the journal away from him.

“What about you? What about what you and Dr. Clyde did to me, all the things you did to me, always telling me the only way I could get out of the goddamned dream was to take my punishment, and that punishment always involved you two controlling me, doing something filthy to me? Hmm? What about that? And what about you stealing my dreams, did you ever think of that?”

“You killed us! You fucking killed us!”

His accusation, felt like he’d punched her. She drug in a shaky breath and slumped back in her chair. “You were holding me prisoner,” she replied softly. “Besides it was just a dream. You don’t look any worse for the wear. What about Dr. Clyde, he’s okay, isn’t he? Have you talked to him?”

“He’s dead!” Al dropped into his chair and ran a hand through his already wild hair. “He’s dead.”

The room spun and Leah felt like she might pass out, but before she could ask, Al spoke, avoiding her gaze. ” He died a few months after Diana. I … I haven’t thought about him, about them in a long time.” He glanced up at her and then back down at his desk. “Neither of them came out of the coma.” He nodded to his dream journal. “What you dreamed, what we both dreamed, is true, I mean about Derrick and me being lovers, about our experiments, about us both wanting Diana. I just don’t know how the hell you knew it all, how you dreamed it all.”

“I don’t know either,” she whispered. “All I know is that I was desperate to get out of the dream, and I couldn’t wake up. Every time I thought I was awake, it was only another part of the dream, and I couldn’t get free. You both kept telling I needed to be punished, but I didn’t. I haven’t done anything to deserve punishment.”

“Of course you haven’t, you’ve done nothing. But Derrick and I, on the other hand …” His voice drifter and he rubbed his eyes.

“I can’t see that you have any reason to be punished for what happened. It wasn’t your fault,” Leah said.

“And yet you killed me.” This time he did hold her gaze.

“It was a dream. I was trapped.”

“I know, and that was petty of me to say. Still dream images have meaning to our psyches. Either you believed I deserved to die or I believed it. Maybe we both did.”

“Why the hell would I think that? I knew none of this when I went to bed expecting more dreams about begonias or dogs and Big Macs.”

He didn’t reply. For a long moment they sat in silence lost in their own thoughts. She kept her eyes on her closed dream journal, but she could feel his gaze on her. At last he rolled his shoulders in an effort to release tension, then spoke. “Our experiments, Derrick and mine, they were real, just exactly like I described to you in my … in our dream, but no one else was involved in our dream sharing experiments. They worked with us – Derrick and me. We’d not perfected our technique. We’d not actually tried what we were using on each other until Dianna, and I honestly don’t know how Derrick pulled Diana into the dream. He was the one who knew hypnosis, but still, it shouldn’t have worked. He shouldn’t have been able to get her there.”

“The obvious answer is that she wanted in, that she thought she’d find what she was looking for there.”

“I can see that,” he replied. “That makes sense, but what doesn’t make sense is how you and I shared a dream when you had no idea.”

She ran a finger over the paisley pattern on her journal, suddenly unable to meet his gaze. “I wanted to dream. I wanted to … I wanted to please you by having interesting dreams.”

To her surprise, he chuckled softly. “Is that the reason for the masturbation dream?”

She blushed hard. “It was a dream. I can’t help what my unconscious throws at me in the middle of the night.”

“You should read the dreams I’ve had about you.”

Her pulse rate accelerated. “You dream about me, I mean other than … that.” She nodded to his journal.

“Oh yes, I dream about you, and the dreams were very pleasant until that.” He mirrored her nod to his notebook, then tugged at his collar. “Some of that was not too bad either.”

“But Dr. Clyde kept interrupting.”

To her surprise Al smiled and then shook his head.  “He always was a kinky bastard, always wanting to have sex in strange places or invite someone he found attractive to join us. He would have found you attractive, Leah,” he added quickly. “He would have done exactly as he did in the dream, wormed his way right in and wanted a filthy threesome, the filthier the better.”

“Then he would have approved of the dream?”

“Except for the part where you pushed him off the rooftop.”

There was nothing she could say to that, and once again the two sat in uncomfortable silence. At last Al spoke.

“I left the dream to get help, like I said, but what was different is that while in your dream he left with me, in reality he didn’t. He wouldn’t leave Diana, and after that first time, he wouldn’t let me back in. I tried everything I knew, but he wouldn’t let me in. Maybe he couldn’t. I don’t know. I just know I couldn’t get back to them.”

“I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.

“It was … unnerving to see him alive again, to see the continuation of his life as though he’d never died.”

“Then none of that part was true, I mean of him interacting with us.”

He shook his head. “It seemed so real though.”

Again the two sat lost in their own thoughts, and it felt like that minute of silence people are always having out of respect for the dead. Maybe it was.

“What do you think it means”? Leah asked.

“I wish I knew. That you and I can dream share without any preliminary prep, without any hypnosis is astounding. It took Derrick and I nearly three years to dream together, and even then it wasn’t without lots of prep, drugs more often than not, and hypnosis, well that was our last bit of experimentation. Even with all that, we were only managing to share anything more than a few images maybe fifty percent of the time.” Al looked down at his journal then back at her. “I never continued our experiments. I’ve never wanted to, never thought I could, but now…”

“Now you think maybe you should.”

He nodded, gaze still locked on her.

“What if it turns real, like it did with Diana? What if you die there?”

“I don’t have a death wish. Do you?” he asked.

“Neither did Dr. Clyde, did he?”

“He wanted Diana.” The muscles around his left cheek tightened and twitched. “It was way more than wanting her. He was obsessed with her and Derrick always got what he wanted.” The man’s jaw looked like it was set in iron.

“That bothered you.”

“Sometimes. Sometimes it did. With Diana, well …”

“You wanted her too.”

When he didn’t answer, she asked, “if he would have let you back into the dream, would you have fought him for her?”

He shook his head. “There was no need. I knew that from the beginning.”

She shifted in her seat, an uncomfortable tightness growing in her chest. “Then how did you know about the rooftop, about her jumping if you couldn’t get back into the dream?”

“I didn’t,” he said. “I didn’t know what happened in their dream until this.” He gently stroked his journal.

Suddenly it seemed hot in the room, and it was hard to breathe. “Then you think I saw what really happened then?”

f7c97536836dc44ea7a1faaa02ab1a6a“I’m sure of it.” He pushed back his chair and came to kneel next to her. “It feels like closure I never got. It feels like answers that I never had.”

“I’m glad, that’s good. So then it’s all over, and I can go back to dreaming about begonias and dogs eating my Big Mac, right? I never thought I’d say it, but if I never have another dream more interesting than that, I’ll be a happy camper.”

When he made no effort to move from his position on his knees in front of her, she fought the urge to push her chair back away from him. “What?”

The man was staring at her like she had two heads, and the look alone was enough to clench the nerves in her belly that hadn’t fully relaxed since this whole damn dream sharing started. “Al, I can go back to my boring dreams now can’t I?”

“Leah,” he took her hands in his in a fervent motion that caused her dream journal to slide onto the floor with a loud kathunk. “Leah, I know this is not what you want to hear, and I’ll understand if you tell me no, but I need you to dream with me one last time.”

The Psychology of Dreams 101 Chapter 10

Psychology of Dreams cover12985576_1537272663241009_8777292825525497968_nWelcome to Part 10 of The Psychology of Dreams, in which Leah and Al take a detour in dreamland.

What if you got punished when you didn’t get your dreams right? That’s the dilemma our heroin, Leah, and her psychology of dreams teacher, Al. The Psychology of Dreams 101 is a romp into the sexy unconscious as Leah Kent takes a Psychology of Dreams adult education class, only to discover that the required Dream Journal leads to some seriously kinky night journeys.

No, I didn’t dream it, and I’m seriously hoping I don’t get punished like Leah and Al do if I don’t get it quite right, but The Psychology of Dreams did bubble up from somewhere in my unconscious and I had to share it. Since then,the Muse has been back knocking around in my imagination in some pretty unusual ways, and never taking the path I’d expect, but then dreams are like that, aren’t they? Enjoy episode 8!


I have no idea how long this little ditty will be, nor where it will lead, but I’m willing if you are. Please, read and enjoy The Psychology of Dreams 101.


If you’ve missed Episode 9, find it here. 


WARNING ADULT CONTENT! It occurred to me halfway through writing this episode of The Psychology of Dreams that this little tale might be a bit of a shock for those who just finished reading In The Flesh. While In The Flesh is dark paranormal romance, The Psychology of Dreams is just raunchy, fun erotica, a bit of light relief after Magda and her Consortium. Be warned, light it may be, but filthy it most certainly is. Enjoy!

Chapter 10 Safeguards and Detours

“Are you serious? You can’t be serious.” Al’s face had lost all color, and he nearly dropped the coffee cup he’d been sipping from into his lap. “How could I possibly get Derrick’s dreams? How could that even happen?”

“You tell me. Until I met you and my dreams started going astray, I had no idea any of this shit was possible, or I sure as hell wouldn’t have taken your class. Anyway, you and Dr. Clyde enter dreams together,” she said before he could do more than look guilty at her wish that she hadn’t taken the class. “You were in Diana’s and you were certainly both on mine.”

“That was unexpected, and unintentional.”

“Maybe this is too, but it still doesn’t matter, does it? The message is clear enough either way, that someone needs to be punished. Do you feel you need to be punished? Does he feel you do?”

He set the cup down carefully on the Formica tabletop and wiped his hands unnecessarily on the napkin, clenching it tightly in his fist. “He … He did blame me, yes.” He swallowed hared as though the coffee hadn’t quite gone down. “He blamed me for Diana’s death, he blamed me for convincing him to leave her dream to begin with, but then I blamed myself too. But I knew I needed his help if we were ever to get her out.” He looked down at the mangled napkin he held in his hand. “We found out later that she was suicidal, as I said, and then … Well maybe that lessened his blaming me, but if anything it made his own guilt worse — that he didn’t know, I mean, that he didn’t see, and him her lover. She hid it well.” He added, “No one knew.”

“So after that, you lost your grant?” He flinched and gave a convulsive nod. She felt bad for him, for both of them, she really did, but at the moment, she felt worse for herself, and angry as hell that she’d been dragged into their fucked-up past. If her response was a bit calloused, she reckoned she could be forgiven under the circumstances. “And then what? You both went your separate ways?”

“Pretty much. I wanted nothing to do with him or with the bad memories the sight of him provoked. The feeling was more than mutual, I’m sure. We hadn’t spoken until I got in touch with him concerning your dreams.”

“Jesus,” she whispered. “Thank you so much for that.”

Before he could respond, the alarm on his phone went off and they both jumped as he fumbled to reset it.

“Well, here was all are then, so what can we do about it?” She asked.

He heaved a sigh and tore the napkin into shreds. “Punish him, I guess. If that’s what he wants, if that’s what he’s trying to guide us to do. I don’t know, maybe by going back into the dream and taking control, we can give him what he wants — what he need.” He looked up at her and forced a smile, “then maybe we’ll get the relief we need as well.”

“Sounds like a win-win to me. How do you suggest we do that?”

He glanced around the diner. “Well we can’t do it here.” He made a quick glance around the empty café in case someone might be listening in, then he leaned close over the table. “We probably should get a hotel room,” he spoke the words between barely parted lips as though he feared someone might think he was taking advantage, “l need to hypnotize us with some further suggestions, some suggestions that will keep us safe and it’s better to do that in a neutral situation.”

She wondered again if she was dreaming as he paid and they walked to his car. If this wasn’t a dream, under the circumstances, how could she be trusting this man to hypnotize her still further?

“Why didn’t you just do it to begin with – hypnotize us, I mean, then Dr. Clyde wouldn’t have been in the equation at f7c97536836dc44ea7a1faaa02ab1a6aall.”

“It didn’t seem right to do it when my dream was part of the problem.”

“Could be that our going to Dr. Clyde was always a part of his plan to get punishment? Is it possible that even that was a part of the dream?”

“Christ, Leah! You have a devious mind.”

“But isn’t it possible?” She asked, as he turned the car into the parking lot at a nearby La Quinta and pulled up to reception.

“At this point anything is possible, I suppose. Wait here,” he said, “I’ll register us.” It was hard to tell in the dark if he was blushing or not, but making her wait in the car was a dead giveaway that he wasn’t comfortable checking them into a hotel together. She had a sneaking suspicion that the guy was a bit old fashioned at heart. But then again, maybe that was a part of the dream too.

“Hurry back,” she said, and she meant it. She didn’t like the idea of being left in the car alone with everything that was going on.

“I promise.” He opened the door, and paused, as though he’d forgotten something, then he turned to her and gave her what she figured was intended to be just a little peck on the lips for reassurance. At first contract, however, a heat wave of lust engulfed them, and she threw her arms around his neck and practically pulled him in on top of her, with him doing his best to accommodate. And then her alarm went off and they both jumped apart – her fumbling in her bag to find her phone, him cursing under his breath.

“I’ll hurry,” he gasped, as she shoved the reset device back in her bag and straightened her shirt.

“You do that.” And then he was gone, leaving her to squirm on he seat as unsatisfied as ever.

Perhaps she dozed. God, they both had to be pretty strung out by now, but the opening of the door startled her back to herself just as Dr. Clyde got into the drivers seat and buckled himself in, all the while glancing over his shoulder toward the hotel entrance.

“Quick, we don’t have much time if we want to get this dream back on course. Al’s just paying now. We’ve got to go.”

“Wait a minute, this is Al’s car. We can’t leave without Al. Hold on, is this a dream?” She reached for her phone.

“Of course it’s a dream, Leah.” The doctor glanced at her as he all but laid rubber getting out of the La Quinta parking lot. “It’s been a dream all along, no matter what Al is trying to tell you.”

“What the fuck,” she reached to unbuckle her seatbelt. “Stop the car! Stop the damned car right now.”

“Listen to me, Leah,” he said, more gently this time, but still not slowing the car, “you and Al told me you wanted to stay in the dream until it was resolved, until you both got punishes so you could have some relief from your … situation. I told you that unless there’s an emergency, you would stay in the dream.”

“But what about Al’s smoke alarm? What about my doorbell and our alarms?”

“What, haven’t you ever had the dream where the alarm goes off and you’re late, and then your back in bed and it goes off again, and then the doorbell rings and you can’t answer it? Well, this is just a variation on that dream, that’s all.

“But this is not the dream? This is not the dream at all. There’s nothing arousing about this dream and –”

“Isn’t there?” He nodded over to her and, to her surprise, she realized that she had her hand down the front of her open jeans and in her panties, two fingers hard at work.

She jerked free, but before she could look around for something to clean up with, the good Doctor scooped up her hand and licked her fingers with a hot tongue, slurping at them as though they were dessert, which made her moan and squirm against the seat.

“Dreams get derailed sometimes, Leah.” He settled her hand into his lap where she found his fly wide open and his cock at full attention. “Sometimes the route they take is way more circuitous that one would expect.”

“But what about Al?” As though it were no big deal, she settled into the stroke and squeeze and fondle of his cock with an occasional cup and kneed of his sac.

“Al’s yanking one off in front of the surprised desk clerk at the La Quinta right about now, hoping she’ll give him a hand. She won’t, of course, and when the alarm on his phone goes off, he’ll meet up with us.”

“How do I know I can believe you?”

“Oh you don’t. It’s a dream, Leah, and no one or nothing in a dream is to be trusted.”

“Then what Al said about Diana, that’s not true?”

She felt the flinch all the way down to his cock, which softened briefly to her touch. Then he caught his breath and replied, “oh that part was true, the basic facts anyway. The point of view, however, is always skewed by the teller.”

“What the hell does any of that have to do with my dream then?”

“Not a fucking clue, Leah. Not a fucking clue. That Al thought you look like Diana, well maybe that has something to do with it. I can see the resemblance, but then I’ve seen the resemblance in a thousand women since her death. Still, I have no idea how that fact could have possibly entered the realm of your unconscious, nor do I know what it means.” His cock hardened again in her hand. “That’s what we’re trying to find out, remember? In the meantime, would you mind?” He placed his hand at the back of her head exerting just enough pressure that, with the slight nod and glance down into his lap, there was no doubting what he wanted, and she discovered, a bit to her surprise that, no, she didn’t mind at all.Sleeping woman reading181340322466666994_IswNAb85_b

As she took him into her mouth, he offered a little hiss of breath and sighed. “Ah, that’s nice. That’s just what the doctor ordered. And now if you could turn just a little bit, just a tiny bit more. That’s a girl.” Against her better judgment, she undid her seatbelt, but after all this was just a dream, and squirmed until her bottom was up in the air, just barely hidden from public view by the dashboard, but then it was dark, and it was a dream. Dr. Clyde slid his hand down into the back of her jeans and into her panties working his way inside, wriggling fingers past her anus and over her perineum until he found the sweet spot, and she all but purred against his cock. He gave an animal growl in response. This hardly qualified as punishment. The thought was barely formed in her head before the doctor replied, “I’m not the one being punished, in spite of what Al may think, and anyway it’s a great way to pass the time until we meet up with Al again.”