Fetishes are often used in erotic fiction, and I’m no stranger to them. Foot fetishes or a fetish for getting off on pain are sometimes seen in erotic fiction, especially BDSM fiction. I used two lesser known but not entirely unknown fetishes in my erotic fairy tales “Climbing Her Tower” (erotic Rapunzel) and “Trouble In Thigh High Boots” (erotic Puss In Boots”). I used two in “Trouble In Thigh High Boots” – maxophilia (breast fetish) and lactophilia (nursing fetish). I touch on beastiality in this one, but not much. I used one in “Climbing Her Tower” – trichtophilia (shaving fetish).
Want to know how I used these fetishes? You’ll have to read the books to find out. 🙂 Here are some hints – Tita in “Trouble In Thigh High Boots” is a feline shape shifter. Cats like milk. 🙂 In “Climbing Her Tower”, Rapunzel’s entire history is about her hair. The Prince has a shaving fetish. Opportunities abound.
Here are some widely-known fetishes. I’m sure you’re familiar with them.
* Necrophilia – sexual attraction to corpses. No, not your ex.
* Beastiality – sexual attraction to animals. Erotic romance writers have to be careful they don’t fall into beastiality territory when creating shifter characters, especially werewolves. One way to get around the beastiality problem is to not have the characters have sex when in animal form. I have created a character in an out-of-print book “Filthy Leuker” who shifts when he’s sexually aroused but he never goes full wolf. Beastiality is one of the more common fetishes erotic romance writers deal with.
* Furries! Does it say something squicky about me that I know what “yiffing” is?
Here are some lesser-known fetishes. Do you or anyone you know experience any of these? If so, you may need professional help, LOL.
* Sacofricosis – making a hole in your pants to accommodate public masturbation.
* Symorophilia – becoming aroused at real or staged accidents (like the movie “Crash”)
* Dendrophilia – sexual interest in trees. Not trees’ sexual interest in you, a la “The Evil Dead”.
* Autonepiophilia – sexual pleasure from dressing like an infant. Think Jerry Springer. It’s just creepy to see a fully grown man dressed like a baby – in an adult diaper, rolling around in baby food and crying for his mommy. That’s not sexy. That’s weird.
* Gerontophilia – sexual preference for the elderly. Filthy rich elderly, anyone?
* Ursusagalmatophilia (Plushophilia) – sexual interest in teddy bears. Makes you look at the Care Bears and Teddy Ruxpin in an entirely new and unsettling light.
* Hierophilila – sexual attraction to religious objects. Think “The Exorcist” and Regan masturbating with a crucifix.
* Menophilia – sexual excitement at the sight or smell of a menstruating woman. Love getting your red wings? Then you may have menophilia.
* Dacryphilia – sexual arousal at someone crying. Otherwise called being a wanker.
Oh, by the way, that image at the top? If you have a “Star Wars” fetish, you’re into Exophilia, sexual attraction to alien creatures. May The Force Be With You!
Now you know more about fetishes than you’ve ever wanted to know! Curious about my two erotic fairy tales and their fetishes? Here’s the dirt:
Erotic Rapunzel
Naughty Fairy Tales
Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://tinyurl.com/climbing-amazon-us
Amazon UK: http://tinyurl.com/climbing-amazon-uk
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/climbing-her-tower-elizabeth-black/1113575061
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/240609
This isn’t your mother’s Rapunzel.
This erotic version of Rapunzel, “Climbing Her Tower” depicts Rapunzel as a voracious woman who discovers the joys of kinky sex with a sexy prince with a few unusual kinks of his own. This story includes BDSM, M/F, M/F/F, virgin fantasy, and erotic shaving. You’ll get so hot you’ll want to let your hair down as well! Let Rapunzel and her prince take you on the sexual ride of a lifetime. Absolutely only for 18 years and over.
“”Climbing Her Tower” is an erotic twist to the fairy tale Rapunzel. I sure love a good fairy tale and this hot and steamy tale doesn’t disappoint.” — Beverly at Sizzling Hot Book Reviews
“Climbing Her Tower has all that and more. It is the story of Rapunzel told with a bit of a BDSM twist.” — Hitherandthee from Night Owl Reviews
WARNING: Rapunzel isn’t sweet and innocent. In this fairy tale erotica, she tires of being a virgin and craves the touch of Prince Richard’s hands all over her body. Although she begins naive, she blossoms with sexual excitement under the watchful eye of her prince, who introduces her to BDSM, erotic shaving, and deep penetration. He leaves her wanting more, and you will want more too!
Stars shined in the sky when she heard, “Let down your hair!” Why would Mother come to visit her late at night? She visited only during the day. Always a good girl who did what she was told, she coiled her hair around the hook and struggled once again with the braid, feeling the weight as Mother climbed her tresses. She seemed heavier than usual this evening, maybe because Rapunzel was tired.
When a tall, strapping man climbed through her window, she drew back in both fear and … something else. Her skin tingled and her heart raced, but she didn’t know why. What kind of effect did this man she recognized from the meadow earlier that day have on her?
“Please don’t be afraid,” he said. “I heard your beautiful voice and I needed to see you up close. You’re more beautiful here in front of me than you are from a distance.”
So he heard me sing… She wondered if he was a god like Zeus (Mother read to her about Zeus), and would he take her by force the way the manly Zeus had taken women in the Greek myths? Despite her confusion, she felt a rush of heat course through her body and her skin rose in goose bumps of excitement at the mere presence of him. His smell was intoxicating – of oiled leather and sweat – and she inhaled deeply to immerse herself in his scent. Her entire body tingled in anticipation of what he might do to her, and she realized with a bit of alarm that she wanted him in her tower, alone, to be at his mercy.
She tried to step toward him but her hair held her in place. She turned to her braid and yanked it bit by bit up the tower. The lovely man came to her side, dragging her heavy tresses up the tower and helping her untangle them from the hook until she stood before him, hair free, piled in a mountain at her feet.
“May I touch you? You seem too heavenly to be real.” His strong hand alighted on her shoulder, sending ripples of pleasure up and down her arm. What was happening to her? Why was her heart racing so quickly that she couldn’t catch her breath? Why did the mere touch of this man make her jump? What would it be like to feel his clean-shaven cheek or – better yet – place one small hand on his massive chest to feel the beat of his heart?
He rubbed her blouse at the hem. “What’s this made of? It’s very soft.”
“My hair. I knit clothing from my hair to pass the time.” Taking a chance, she placed her palm against his chest and felt the rise and fall of his rapid breathing. “Who are you?”
“I’m Richard, Prince of Norwich, the ruler of this land. I’ve seen your tower before but I had never seen you in it. What’s your name? Why are you here?”
“My name is Rapunzel. I live here.”
“Such a lovely name… Don’t you want to leave, to see the world around you? There’s an entire town behind your tower.”
Surprised, she thought the meadow surrounded her tower for many miles, isolating her in her loneliness. “So that’s why I hear engines and smell food cooking but I can’t figure out where it’s coming from.”
He took her in his arms, and she didn’t fight his embrace. His grip around her body was firm yet gentle, and she buried her face in his long, charcoal hair. “Let me take you away from here.”
Did she want to leave? She felt safe in her tower but she yearned to run in the long meadow grass far from it, or feel the wind blow through her hair as she rode behind him on his horse. Yes, I want to go, but how? Mother will never let me leave here.
“Take me away with you,” she said.
“Yes, I shall take you far from this tower. How long have you lived here?”
“My whole life.”
“But why? Who would keep you imprisoned here?”
“My mother, but I’m not imprisoned. She’s protecting me.”
“From what? There is nothing in the world to be afraid of. Quite the opposite. I want to show you the world, my fair one. But first, I must touch you.” He brushed her long hair out of her eyes. “May I?”
“Touch me where?”
“Here.” He lowered his face until his lips brushed against hers, like a breeze through the heather in the meadow. Never before kissed by a man, she froze in both fear and arousal, alert to his touch but unable to move. His lips traveled from hers to her cheek, her chin, and her neck, and upon reaching her throat, she gasped with excitement. Yes, she wanted to feel his lips upon her skin, his hands upon her body. Why had Mother kept her in this tower, away from the world? What was out there that scared Mother so?
His gentle touch aroused more goose bumps on her sensitive skin, eager for teasing and the feel of his wet tongue on her warm flesh. His mouth sucked on her skin, bringing forth a gasp of breath from her in both alarm and excitement. She wrapped her arms around his back, slowly at first, and then with more urgency. He felt rugged and manly, qualities she had only heard about but never before experienced.
Her first man pressed his firm lips against the pulse in her throat, and she felt the stubble on his jaw against her tender skin. So this is what a man feels like! So strong and firm, hard yet gentle all at once. Her head spun with the fever of his kisses against her throat and she stretched her head back to give him more room. Heart racing in her chest, she felt the pulsing sinews on his back through his frock coat and then, with trepidation, moved her shaking hands to his broad chest, palms exploring every inch of his luscious body. Strong arms, ripped with muscles, wrapped around her body and held her so tightly he nearly lifted her from the floor.
Stars spun before her eyes and she felt light-headed with arousal and excitement. His hands pressed against her delicate back with such force, she feared he would snap her in two. His touch stirred deep emotions in her that she both feared and relished; she wanted to give her will over to her arousal and to his desire. Her head spun in the throes of his stimulating kiss as his lips traveled from her throat to her waiting mouth. He crushed his lips against hers, taking her breath away, and her head spun in ecstasy.
As he parted her lips with his own he slipped in his tongue. At first alarmed, since she had never heard of such a kiss, she struggled against him; but in his tight grip, she was helpless to escape. His tongue explored her mouth, brushing against her teeth, and she gave into his amorous moves. He tasted of brandy and tobacco, a heady combination. Dizzy with the thrill of his touch, she pulled her head away from him when he released her pouting mouth; but she was eager to taste more of him.
“You feel so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear as his lips pressed against her jaw. “May I lift your skirts? I want to see your legs.”
Once again, she nodded without speaking. She wanted to feel his hands upon her body. She’d watched him from her tower for days now, enamored of his curiosity, wondering what he looked like. She knew him from a distance, and now he was up close, touching her, arousing her. He lifted her skirts and moaned in delight at what he saw.
Erotic Puss In Boots
Naughty Fairy Tales
Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://tinyurl.com/trouble-amazon-us
Amazon UK: http://tinyurl.com/trouble-amazon-uk
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/240534
This isn’t your mother’s Puss In Boots.
This erotic version of Puss In Boots, “Trouble In Thigh High Boots” is a story packed with hot, sexy, body humping adult fairy tale erotica.
“Trouble in Thigh High Boots is a delightfully creative retelling of the Puss in Boots tale. It is a tale that has been told myriad times, but never in such a wonderfully imaginative way. The characters are enchanting, and the story flows beautifully. The love scenes are sizzling.” — Hitherandthee of Night Owl Reviews
WARNING: Tita isn’t your run of the mill Puss In Boots. She’s a cat shapeshifter who turns into a mouth-wateringly sexy human woman with a sex drive to match. This story includes M/F, F/F, M/F/M/F, light bondage, and lactation. This erotic fairy tale will get you hot in all the right places. Definitely for only 18 years and over.
Her stiletto heels clicked on the hardwood floor, attracting the king’s attention. When he turned toward her, her heart nearly stopped at the unabashed thrilled look on his face when he set eyes on her. She sniffed the air and smelled castile soap and fragrant oil of rosemary. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he expected me. Maybe his knights told him I was on my way.
“Ah, cat, you have returned! How delightful!” The king’s jolly laugh boomed around the high-ceilinged room. “My sister told me she saw you on the road. Your rabbits were absolutely delicious. I saved a morsel in case you returned.”
She smiled and batted her lashes at him. Stop it! You’re acting like a peckish school girl with a bad crush! “You are too kind, Your Highness. Before I accept your gracious offer of food, might I offer you another present from the Marquis of Carabas?”
“Another present? Your Marquis is quite impressive. First, the fattest rabbits I’ve seen in these parts in a long time, and now more gifts! Yes, please, do show me what you have to offer.”
Oh, I’ll show you much more than you expect, sire. She lifted her knapsack and prepared to open it, but hesitated. The king looked dejected.
“What’s wrong?”
“I want this gift to be a special surprise for you, sire, but I can’t have you looking at me when I give it to you.”
“Well, what shall we do then?”
“I had an idea.” She opened the knapsack a tiny bit, reached inside, and pulled out a silk blindfold. “How about we play a game?”
He clapped his hands. “I love games! Cat, you are quite the adventuress!”
Little do you know… “I do my best, Your Highness.” She held the blindfold between her claws. “May I approach you and slip this over your eyes, sire?”
“Of course you may.”
“You trust me?”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
“How do you know I won’t shield your eyes and then slit your throat?”
“Because there’s something special about you, cat. I can’t put my finger on it, but you are very intriguing. I’m willing to trust you with my life.”
Her heart melted at his words, and she took great pride in feeling his affection even though he had not yet seen her in her human form. What would he think of her once he saw her long legs, full breasts, and thick tawny hair? Would he ravish her when he felt the warmth from her heart and tasted the sweetness of her breath? How would he react to the tenderness she longed to give him?
When would he remember her, if he remembered her at all? She had never spoken to him or shifted in front of him when she lived in the castle. Her heart ached with love and memories of his tender caresses and playful roughhousing. If only he recalled her!
She walked to him as he sat in his favorite chair, and then she leapt onto his lap. He ran his fingers through her long fur without thinking twice about it, as many humans did when accosted by a cat, although certainly not most. She had met her share of men and women who beat her and threw pans of water at her. Zane’s face flashed into her mind. When would she see him again? Tita knew he would make another appearance soon, aware of his cruelty and greed. She shook her head and quickly shoved his memory away. She would not allow him room in her head to ruin her time with the king.
Thankfully, her king was not cruel. She purred with pleasure as he scratched her behind her ears. Ooooh, he found my most sensitive sweet spot! I can’t stand it! Let me at him! In a fit of arousal, she rubbed her mouth against his hand, leaving her scent on his skin.
She stared into his deep blue eyes and paused before lifting her blindfold. I wonder if he can see into my soul when he gazes into my eyes. One look will show him a world he’s never before seen. She gazed at him, wishing he could read her mind, to sense the love she felt for him.
“You have lovely eyes, cat. The color of a deep sea – quiet on the surface, but I suspect there is quite a bit of turmoil in those depths.” He ran one hand over her back, stroking her length until she arched in response. “Your eyes are very human. Long-lashed and expressive. Are you enchanted?”
“In a way, sire, yes I am. But I’m not cursed. I can give you what you need.”
“And what might that be?”
“Let me show you.” She slipped the blindfold over his eyes and waited for him to sit back and relax. When his breathing eased, she curled into his lap, placing both paws on his shoulders. “Don’t be afraid. And whatever you do, don’t remove the blindfold. I’m about to give you my surprise.”
As her body lengthened and stretched, she stroked his hair. Paws elongated into palms and fingers and she scratched his scalp with her long nails. He moaned and curled his head into her embrace, but as her furry body grew into curvy feminine form, he backed away with a gasp of alarm.
“Please don’t be afraid,” she whispered in a deep, mellow voice that sang in his ear. “I won’t hurt you.” She guided his hands from his sides to her bare hips. “Touch me. Feel me.”