The best thing about reading at the Sh! shops is all the fabulous new people I meet, and last night was no exception. There were people who had found out about the Rude Read from ‘what’s happening in London’ websites, people who simply love Sh! as much as Raymond and I do, other erotica writers, and even mystery people who sipped fizz, listened, asked questions, and slipped back into the deep freeze that was London before I got the chance to meet them properly. I think it is safe to say that a good time was had by all. I know I certainly had fun, but then I always do when I’m reading from The Initiation of Ms Holly. Add to that signing books, meeting people, and fondling some of the wonderful Sh! toys and goodies. What more could an erotica-writing chick ask?
If you missed the fun, not to worry, the Kinky Christmas read at the Hoxton Sh! is next Friday. As well as reading, I’ll get to listen while two of my erotica-writing heroines, Kristina Lloyd and Scarlett French read hot kink guaranteed to warm more than your heart. I, for one, can’t wait!