Today I’m welcoming Lisabet Sarai back to celebrate Book 4 of her D&S series.
Lisabet Sarai’s D&S Duos Book 4 celebrates the thrill of sexual power and the ecstasy of surrender. In “Like Riding a Bicycle”, after years of vanilla marriage, a couple resumes the kinky games that first drew them together. The characters in “Limbo” experience the ultimate erotic connection thanks to dangerous and addictive out-of-body technology. D&S Duos Book 4 also includes bonus story “Blind Obedience” and a transgressive excerpt from Lisabet’s erotic thriller Bangkok Noir.
We make our choices, often blindly. Then we live with the consequences.
It’s your fiftieth birthday, I’m half a world away, and married to someone else. I honestly don’t know which is the bigger obstacle. No, scratch that. If today’s experiment is successful, the distance will mean nothing.
I want to help you celebrate. To give you something special. Romantic and cynic that you are, I want to prove to you my enduring devotion, across time and space. I want to give back to you some of the magic you’ve shared with me.
I climb out of the taxi at the entrance to an alley too narrow for the compact Toyota to navigate, hand the driver a hundred baht and head toward my destination on foot. I’m somewhere in the maze of venerable lanes of Cholon. I smell star anise and decaying fish. I pass racks of drying laundry and bins of preserved fruit.
The address you emailed me belongs to a surprisingly grand, if somewhat decrepit, building, three stories of balconies and shutters. No sign. When I ring the bell, I am ushered into the waiting room by a powdered and rouged crone wearing too-tight silk and ropes of jade beads. She gestures for me to sit on the velvet banquette and shuffles away. The walls are mirrors, framed by faded brocade draperies. I can’t help grinning to myself; clearly, this state-of-the-art Monroe parlor used to be a brothel.
This was my idea, but you did all the research. I know that you’re somewhere in the basement of a fancy hotel in San Francisco. Very exclusive, top security. For executives who want the ultimate in “teleconferencing”.
The madame returns with a sheaf of papers. Release forms. Of course it’s all illegal anyway, but no one wants to take any chances. There are documented cases of people going astral and never returning. The parlor doesn’t want to be stuck with my still breathing but non-sentient body.
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LISABET SARAI occasionally tackles other genres, but BDSM will always be her first love. Every one of her nine novels
includes some element of power exchange, while her D/s short stories range from mildly kinky to intensely perverse. Learn more at
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Hello, KD,
Sorry I didn’t drop by sooner. I was away on business all last week.
Thanks for showcasing my new book. I hope I’ve managed to – um – stimulate your readers’ interest.