The long-awaited Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes, edited by Linda Alvarez, is now available in the UK. It contains my sizzling story, Flash Fire, in which two hot firemen, come to the aide of a sexy photographer in her efforts to educate her innocent young assistant in matters that have nothing to do with cameras, but have lots to do with fire.
For erotica lovers in the States, don’t worry, Mammoth Book of Threesomes and Moresomes will be available in the US October 5, but you can pre-order now. Thirty-six steamy stories by some of erotica’s top writers. You won’t want to miss this one.
The different covers are interesting – which do you prefer? I think I like the US one better – something to do with the way the woman is looking out of the picture. Congratulations, KD!
Wow, radically different covers here! A super sexy MFM on the US cover and – huh? – a lesbian orgy for the UK. How so? Plus, the UK cover is quite pink, swirly and feminine while the US cover is more muted in tone and has those bold, masculine stripes. I wonder what the thinking is behind such different designs. Also, it's nice to see a non-white person on an erotica cover. That's pretty rare.
Anyway, I know which cover *I* want to lick! But congrats on being in both, KD!