‘Hired Hand’
Good stiff discipline makes for a job well done.
It irritated Suzie the way Tim Harris worked without a shirt, like he didn’t know how distracting that was. She watched him muck out the barn, grunting slightly with each thrust of the pitch fork, breathing heavily from the effort. If she closed her eyes she could easily imagine him doing something else. To her.
She dragged her gaze away from the hard play of muscles, muscles that, no doubt, came from some cushy air conditioned gym, which is probably where he got his tan.
Working bare-chested might cool him down a bit, but it only made her hotter. She had nearly forgotten the clit-stiffening scent of sweaty maleness, earthy and slightly piquant, a scent that, amid the barnyard animal smells caused her own animal nature to squirm and stretch and sniff.