By the time you’re reading this, final instalment of my travel erotica posts, I should be arriving in Heathrow after two weeks with my sister in snowy Central Oregon. Let’s face it, getting to and from the airport is an essential part of the flight. For no one is that more true that Stella James in The Pet Shop. Enjoy her journey.
Warning: Adult Content!
The Pet Shop Blurb:
In appreciation for a job well done, STELLA JAMES’s boss sends her a Pet for the weekend – a human Pet. The mischievous TINO comes straight from THE PET SHOP complete with a collar, a leash, and an erection. Stella soon discovers that the pleasure of keeping Pets, especially this one, is extremely addicting.
Obsessed with Tino and with the reclusive philanthropist, VINCENT EVANSTON, who looks like Tino, but couldn’t be more different, Stella is drawn into the secret world of The Pet Shop. As her animal lust awakens, Stella must walk the thin line that separates the business of pleasure from the more dangerous business of the heart or suffer the consequences.
The Pet Shop Excerpt — Nature Reserve Encounters & Limo Rides:
She stumbled up the boardwalk just as the introduction finished, nearly falling against a man draped in half a dozen cameras.
And suddenly there was Tino, looking rugged and considerably less vulnerable in his kaki trousers and cotton shirt. He waited politely for the applause to die down, then he spoke. ‘As most of you know, I grew up not far from here.’ The resonant voice and the American accent were a slap-in-the-face reminder that this was most definitely Vincent Evanston. How could Tino possibly be an American? She listened as he spoke.
‘My best memories are of a pair of barn owls who took up residence on our farm the year I turned twelve. All that summer, my best friend and I watched those owls, even rigged up a camera and got some pretty decent photos. In fact, we were so obsessed with those birds that we started a secret club in their honour. We called ourselves the Night Owls. Those owls successfully raised five chicks that year, and I fell in love.’
He looked over his shoulder and nodded at the lake behind him. ‘Places like this are important, not just because of the sanctuary they give wildlife, but because they offer all of us an opportunity to fall in love. With nature.’ His gaze moved over the crowd, came to rest on her, then moved on. She felt as though she had been gut punched, and yet what had she expected him to do? Forget everything and come running to her. He hadn’t been all that happy to see her in the wood, and he wasn’t likely to be any more happy now that she had practically stalked him here. Maybe he hoped if he ignored her, she’d go away. Surely this man couldn’t be her Tino.
He continued. ‘I have a reputation for being a recluse, but I’m not really.’ He offered a mischievous chuckle. ‘I just prefer the company of the residents of a place like this over you lot.’
To the sound of laughter and applause, he cut the red ribbon stretched across the viewing platform and stood smiling, shaking hands while camera’s snapped, and reporters asked questions. People adorned in binoculars and birding scopes now lined the rail of the viewing platform. The chill in the air as the damp summer sun fell below the wooded foothills made Stella’s nipples ache through the ridiculously thin dress.
She was halfway back to her car, feeling stupid and self conscious, when a strong arm slipped around her waist, and a familiar scent filled her nostrils. She looked up into Tino’s dark eyes.
‘What are you doing here?’ It still came as a shock to hear Tino speaking.
‘I saw your picture in the Oregonian.’
‘So you thought you’d just drop in.’
‘You are Tino, aren’t you?’
He picked up the pace. ‘Tino’s not here.’ With his arm around her waist, he guided her away from her car to a waiting limo.’
She didn’t protest as he opened the door and helped her inside, sliding in next to her. Then he knocked on the privacy window and the driver took off.
‘Seems a strange vehicle to bring to a nature reserve,’ she said.
‘I didn’t bring it,’ he said. ‘But you can’t go back in what I came in.’
‘Then you have to be Tino, or you wouldn’t have –’
He covered her mouth in an insistent kiss. ‘What?’ He spoke against her lips ‘You think I wouldn’t notice the sexy English bird distracting me from the all the other birds.’ He teased her lips apart, sparring with her tongue, making her insides feel like warm toffee. She was relieved to hear no anger in his voice.
She came up for breath. ‘But how else would you — ’
He nipped and tugged on her lip. ‘Tino’s not here,’ he whispered against her mouth, slurring his words with the flick of his tongue. ‘There’s just Vincent.’
‘What are you, schizo then?’ she let out a little gasp as he nibbled her earlobe then the hollow of her throat.
‘Didn’t you take psychology 101? We all have more than one person living inside us, Stella.’
‘Where are we going?’ She asked, feeling suddenly frightened as the driver turned onto the main road and picked up speed.
‘But my car. It’s a hire, and my bags –’
He kissed her again, and his hand moved up the inside of her thigh. ‘Don’t worry. My people will take care of everything.’
‘But I thought –’ With a sharp little gasp, she suddenly forgot how to speak, as his fingers slid aside the crotch of her thong.
‘Did you wear these for Tino, hoping he’d take them off with his teeth?’ He raked the hood of her clit with a heavy thumb, sending a jolt of heat radiating out over her belly and down through her slit. “Because I won’t bother. I’m not here for your entertainment.’
‘I never thought that you were,’ she said, giving him an ineffective shove with the flat of her hand. But he took her mouth again, and the way his tongue invaded and withdrew and invaded again, the way his fingers teased and retreated and teased again at the very edge of her gape made her stop thinking about… well everything, really.
He pulled away at last and held her gaze. ‘We have until we get to Portland, Stella. You can waste time trying to find out about Tino or,’ he slid his middle finger into her slick pout. ‘You can spend that time with Vincent.’ His thumb pressed tight little circles around her clit. ‘It can be such a pleasant drive to Portland.’
‘I don’t even know Vincent,’ she gasped. ‘You never gave me a chance.’
‘As I recall, you overwhelmed me. I wasn’t prepared.’
‘You were scared.’
He held her gaze. ‘I didn’t say that.’
‘But you were. I think you were — ’
He kissed her hard, and when he pulled away they were both breathless. ‘Stop talking, Stella. There are lots better uses of our time.’ He demonstrated by burrowing, face first, into her well displayed cleavage, wasted on the herons and otters at the nature reserve. He shoved aside the plunge neckline and push-up bra, until her breasts tumbled over like willing conspirators into his large palms.
The seat in the limo was almost big enough for an orgy. She lost the kitten heels and her toes curled in the plush carpet as he slid a second finger into her.
‘Not appropriate footwear for a nature reserve. Didn’t you learn your lesson the first time?’ He nodded to her shoes. Then he huffed an exaggerated groan. ‘My back still hurts from piggybacking you.’
She reached out to slap him playfully, but he caught her wrist and held her in a serious gaze. ‘You could have broken an ankle or worse.’ He pulled her down and shifted her until she lay full length on the seat. The he lifted her foot to his lips, bathing her heel in his hot breath. ‘None of this is necessary for Tino, or me. What were you thinking?’ His words slurred as he ran his tongue up over her instep and suckled each toe in turn, causing her to buck against the seat as her pussy gripped his fingers like a hungry mouth.
He trailed kisses and nips and love bites over her ankle and up the inside of her thigh while the relentless hand working her pussy never missed a beat. And when his mouth caught up with his hand, he shoved at the crotch of her thong until it was stretched uselessly over one arse cheek, leaving her splayed and twitchy and ready for the take-over. ‘I wanted to taste you out there under the trees, but you were so cold. I was worried.’ He didn’t wait for her response, but lowered his face and lapped at her clit and suckled her labia until she was heavy and distended, still gripping his probing fingers. She heard the sound of a zipper, the swish of clothing, and he pushed into her with a groan. ‘You shouldn’t have come here.’ He held very still, making her wait with his fullness inside her. Making her want. ‘It’s a complication neither of us needs.’
‘But I am here now, and we can’t go back,’ she breathed. She tried to thrust against him.
Still he didn’t move, but he let her squirm beneath him, feeling like her cunt was on fire. ‘You didn’t come for me. You came for Tino.’ He rocked against her just enough for his body to rake her clit, and the shock of it felt like electricity jolting through her pussy. She clenched down hard on his cock.
‘Please! Can’t I have you both?’
‘No.’ He withdrew just enough to make her certain that his refusal to satisfy her would be beyond endurance. His breath was heavy, but measured, like he could go on for ever. And, dear God, she wanted him to. He held her gaze. ‘You can’t have both.’
And just when she was about to panic, to beg his forgiveness, to offer him anything to get him to continue, he released a long, slow breath and lowered his mouth to her nipples as though they had all the time in the world. He nibbling and suckled until her nipples were tight and tender in that tetchy place between pain and pleasure. Then he raised his dark eyes, suddenly so unlike Tino’s, and met her gaze. ‘Do you want Vincent?’
‘Yes. I want Vincent.’ She sighed. ‘Please.’
He released a breath she only now realized he’d been holding, then gathered her to him, cupping her buttocks in his hands to push deeper into her. She raised her arse, wrapped her legs around him and dug her heals in for the ride.
He was pitiless. He battered her with exquisite force until she was almost there, then he stopped, holding her so tightly that she couldn’t satisfy herself, she could do nothing but yield as he kissed her until her lips felt bruised, and nibbled her throat and neck until she trembled like light on the surface of water. Then he battered her again.
Just when she was certain she wouldn’t survive the trip to Portland, he shifted his embrace and pulled her on top of him, nearly toppling them both onto the floorboard in the process. ‘I’ll make you come now, Stella.’ His voice was raspy at the back of his throat. ‘Vincent will make you come.’
Perhaps it was some magic formula, she didn’t know, but with the gentle rocking of his hips like waves on a calm sea, and the stroking of his thumb against her clit, she came in whimpers and sobs. A few more thrust and she felt him clench beneath her, and his cock spasmed inside her.
‘Where are you taking me,” she asked. The streetlights indicated that they were in the suburbs of Portland.
Still naked, he knelt on the floorboard, wiping the wet folds of her vulva with his handkerchief. ‘The airport.’
She pushed his hand away. ‘I don’t have a ticket, and look at me, I’m a mess.’ To her irritation, she was suddenly fighting back tears.
He rose on his haunches and kissed her, cupping her cheek and pushing the hair away from he face. ‘I think you look exquisite. Now hold still. I’m not finished with your pussy yet, and I’m enjoying the view.’
She felt as though she would burst as the first signs for the airport came into view. She had gone to Lincoln City for answers, but she had gotten only more questions. ‘There’s so much I want to ask you, Vincent.’
‘Don’t. Because I won’t answer, and I don’t want to ruin what we’ve just shared.’
‘Will I see you again?’
He forced a smile. ‘You weren’t supposed to see me in the first place.’
Panic suddenly rose in her chest. ‘Will I see Tino?’
‘That’s up to The Pet Shop.’
The limo pulled to a stop, and the driver opened the door and helped her out. To her surprise, they weren’t at the departures drop-off point, with its manic coming and going of cars, disgorging people with too much luggage and too little time. Instead they were on a darkened runway. For a second, panic rose in Stella’s chest. Perhaps Vincent was schizo after all. Perhaps his intentions were more sinister than a flight back to London.
But before the thought was fully formed, he nodded above the roof of the limo. ‘The plane’s there.’
‘Bloody hell!’ Beyond the car was a sleek private jet, smartly dressed staff standing at the ready near the foot of the stairs leading to the open door.
‘Come on.’ He slid an arm around her. ‘Your bags are already onboard, and your rental car has been returned. You’ll have time to freshen up. Pilot expects a smooth flight into London.’
Then everything happened so fast. At the bottom of the stairs, he gave her a kiss that nearly sent her pussy into melt-down again. Then he turned her over to the smiling attendant, and by the time she was at the top of the stairs, the limo was already pulling away.
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