It’s that time of year again! The nominations are in, and I’m very happy, and extremely honoured, to be nominated again for ETO’s Best Erotic Author. I’ve been nominated four years running and was lucky enough to win in 2014 against some extremely fabulous writers in 2014. In 2015 my dear friend, sister Brit Babe, and fabulous writer, Kay Jaybee won that lovely trophy and here it is 2016! In proper Brit Babe Tradition, four — count ’em FOUR Brit Babes are nominated for that fabulous award — Along with myself and the lovely Kay Jaybee, this year’s nominees include the delicious Victoria Blisse and the Lovely Tabitha Rayne, who is also nominated for her wonderful invention, the amazing Ruby Glow sit-down sex toy.
Brit Babe world domination is well in hand, or as Janine Ashbless refers to us, The Muffia. I seriously like that.
In addition to the excitement of being nominated, wandering the halls of the ETO conference, seeing all the sexy displays and chatting with all the wonderful people who attend every year is well worth the trip to Birmingham. Then there’s the awards banquet with everyone dressed to the nines and ready to party. The excitement in the air is electric as the winners are announced, and the celebration and dancing follow. I’m very much looking forward to celebrating with old friends and new this year, and certainly I’m looking forward to a Brit Babe quorum. I thought I’d share with you a few memories from ETO Banquets past.
In 2014 The Brit Babes invaded the ETO Conference, and what a party we all had. Kay Jaybee, Tabitha Rayne, Victoria Blisse, and Lexie Bay joined Mr. Grace and me to celebrate my win. Not much sleep had that night, and all the better for sharing it with so many of the Babes!
Brit Babes taking it with me in 2014
Lexie Bay Tabitha Rayne, Lily Halem and moi ready to party in 2015
Thank you for your lovely nominations. We’re feeling the love <3 Your votes are always appreciated by all of us, and here is the link: http://www.erotictradeonly.
KD xxx