I just finished reading a nine book series and nearly cried when I came to the end, because it was THE END. It was like saying good-bye to an old friend. Who doesn’t love a good series? Don’t get me wrong, stand-alone novels are great for a quick fix, but I like a story I can sink my teeth into, a story that demands at least three books, and I totally LOVE a story that demands even more. I love to read series and I love to write them. I’m having a blast with Magda and the gang in the Medusa’s Consortium series. In fact, it’s gotten to the point where I think in terms of series where story telling is concerned these days. After all, one good tale almost always has a dozen other ones barely hidden below the surface and begging to be told.
If you love series as much as I do, then you won’t want to miss out. Right now Author Cross Promotion is celebrating the series with a fabulous giveaway, in which Magda and the gang are participating. Follow the link below and check it out.
Win a Kindle Paperwhite or up to 90+ Top Series eBooks!
AND gain access to the AXP Book Fair featuring FREE and 99c Books!
(1) Kindle Paperwhite
(2) Grand Prize “Gift Baskets” of ALL eBooks!
(90+) Winners of Individual eBooks (randomly selected titles)
It’s a series lover’s dream come true, so make sure to follow the link and sign up.