I’m on holiday in my favourite place in the world right now, so you lovely lot are going to get my version of a post card — piccies of my hols while I’m away, and even those might be a bit sparse since I don’t have the best internet connection. It’s a holiday! When I return, I’ll do my best to inspire, entertain and titillate, but in the meantime, here are a few shots from Cumbria. Enjoy! I’ll be back in time for the next Shameless Selfie Sunday.
No silliness whatsoever happened on this very serious walk in the Lansdale Pikes. It was a very serious walk, not to be taken lightly, and a very solemn occasion was had by all, right down to the pint of Rosy Pig Cloudy Cider with live Cumbrian folk music in the pub following said serious walk.
We had fabulous mountain top views which no photo will ever do justice.
We took all kinds of piccies of our sweaty selves at the tops to wave in front of the faces of our blog readers and anyone else who would hold still long enough for us to share with. Are you jealous yet? Believe me, I would share every single shot with you IF my internet connection wasn’t so crappy. I understand from the people who run the hotel that I’ll feel much better after a pint of cider in the pub. I reckon it’s best to follow the advice of the locals whenever possible, after all, they should know, right?