Category Archives: Blog

Dragon Ascending Part 9: Brand New KDG Read

Happy Friday everyone!  Friday means it’s time for another episode of Dragon Ascending. Last week Mac, Manning and Fury interrogated the crew of the rescued ship concerning the fate of the mysterious woman. This week, as the crew reveals the facts about our missing woman, Fury decides to give the ship and crew a little journey they hadn’t anticipated. I hope you’re enjoying Dragon Ascending, the sequel to Piloting Fury, as much as I’m enjoying sharing it with you. As always, I love it when you share my work with your reading friends, so feel free. In the meantime, enjoy!

If you missed the previous episode of Dragon Ascending, follow the link for a catch-up. If you wish to start from the beginning, of Dragon Ascending. Follow the link.  

For those of you who would like to read the complete novel, Piloting Fury, book one of the Sentient Ships series, follow the link to the first instalment.


Dragon Ascending

On a desolate junkyard of a planetoid, scavenger Lenore Felik, disturbs something slumbering in a remote salvage dump and uncovers secrets of a tragic past and of the surprising role she must play in the terrifying present she now faces.

Robbed of her inheritance after her tyrannical father’s death, Tenad Fallon is out for revenge on her half-brothers, one who happens to be the sentient ship, Fury. Fury, with his human companions, Richard Manning and Diana McAllister, has his own agenda – finding the lost sentient ships and ending the scourge of indentured servitude in Authority space.



Dragon Ascending Part 9: An Extended Journey

“Did you kill her?” Manning asked.

“No! No, we didn’t, we wouldn’t,” he whined. “We put her down exactly where she asked us to. She was roughed up a bit, but,” he tried to chuckle, “some women like it rough.”

“Lie to me, and I will absolutely see that you get the shackle,” Mac growled. “There was way too much blood for her to have only been a little bit roughed up.”

“We left her by the big salvage yard in the Sea of Death, just like she asked, and she walked away under her own power. I swear it. Give me truth drug, hell give us all truth drug, just please don’t shackle us.”

“What did she want there?” Fury asked, and all three men looked around again to see who spoke.

“We don’t know,” the engineer said. “All we know is that she was systematically searching the salvage yards on this rock. She said something about archeology or anthropology, something like that, but she didn’t look much like any science type I ever saw. Scrawny thing. Dirty. But then hell everyone is out here where water’s worth more than Triax.”

“She never told us much about whatever it was she was studying,” the captain spoke again, holding his broken nose as it bled into his hand. “She paid us in trade when she hitched the ride. She got her hand on some pretty good shit from scavenging through the salvage yards. Gave us a lot better deal than any of the traders would have.” The med-bot came back in to treat his nose, and he gave a sharp curse as it was set.

“We planned to follow her and see what it was she was looking for this time around, but then the yard in the Sea of Death has a de-mole shield. Why the hell would there be a de-mole shield around a damn salvage yard in the middle of the Sea of Death, I can’t imagine. Whatever’s in there must be worth a fortune.”

Fury and his crew knew exactly why there might be a de-mole shield around the perimeter. Mac returned her attention to what the man was saying.



“We didn’t fancy going up against it,” said the engineer.” Ain’t nothing worth risking demolecularization over. And we reckoned she’d just sit around on her ass and wait for us to come back.”

“But you thought she’d be just fine waiting it out for three days in a dangerous place like that,” Manning said.

“Well she managed last time she was there, so there must have been a cave or something.” He shrugged, “Or she lied about being there before. Maybe the de-mole perimeter wasn’t there then, hell I don’t know. Alls I know is that she said pick her up in three days.”

“And would you?” Mac shoved into the man’s personal space almost nose to nose, the smell nearly making her eyes water. “Would you have come back for her after what you did to her?”

“Of course we would,” the captain said as the med-bot backed off finished with its work. The man did his best to looked shocked at her insinuations, but Mac didn’t need Fury to tell her that their plan was iffy at best. “Ain’t no one could survive that deep in the Taklaman to walk to the nearest outpost. We had the coordinates. Check our computer. The flight was already programmed in. Then we figured, if she did find a way in, we’d get her to share that information with us.” A blush rose to his cheeks and then the color vanished as he realized what he had just said. Then he shrugged. “Not like she had a choice but to come back with us.”

“Look lady,” the engineer huffed out a frustrated breath, “I mean agent, we got a little drunk, that’s all. And we got rowdier than we intended with her. We never meant to hurt her.”

“‘Tran them aboard their ship and get them out of my sight,” Mac said. “I don’t care where the fuck you send them, just make it a long way from me.” She barely heard the eruption of their protests before they vanished back onto their own ship and it vanished nearly as fast, with a little help from Fury. She made it into the elevator and then she collapsed onto the floor, dropping her head between her knees shaking like she would fall apart. Manning settled next to her on the floor, not touching her at first, knowing that she felt like she might puke her guts. Saying what she’d said had cost her, had brought back memories of being shackled. She knew it had for him as well, and that he was more than likely as nauseated as she was. She felt Fury’s concerned support on the other side. She was not an indentured anymore, and neither was Manning. They were family, Fury’s family, and she knew they had work, important work to do. She took a deep breath and blinked back tears, then soaked in the comfort and empathy of her two men until the shakes and the nausea eased.

Then, with their help, she gained her feet and they got off on the flight deck where they settled her in her chair just as the screen revealed the last view of the vanishing ship from long-range scanners. It was only then that she was calm enough to ask what no one had said, recalling vividly Griffin, in his infancy, ‘tranning Abriad Fallon into space for all that he had done to his son, to her, to so many people. “Fury, what did you do to them?” She finally asked.

“They are back on their ship, just as you requested. I have reprogrammed its computer with new coordinates for their very long journey. They will find themselves going much faster than they’d planned. Oh they shall not starve. I have seen to their basic needs but only just barely.”

“Beyond the Rift,” Manning said with a little shiver.

They both got the sense that Fury was nodding. “As for their desire to abuse those weaker than they are, well, I have given them my own version of the shackle in their rations. They will not have much interest in sex and certainly not such abuse for a very long time, not unless they take a great deal of pleasure in violent vomiting fits.”

This time they both shivered, and Fury simply said. “Now we must see if we may locate this woman. I have taken the liberty of ‘tranning her pack onboard, but there is little in it that if of assistance, I am afraid. Nevertheless, I fear our woman’s situation must surely be urgent. Then perhaps once we have seen to her immediate needs we shall discover what is so important about the Sea of Death.”

They both knew exactly what Fury believed was so important down there. And if one of his missing siblings was in hiding way out here, then whichever one it was, they had most definitely lost their way.

Dragon Ascending Part 8: Brand New KDG Read

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope that as you head into the long weekend, you have a good read picked out and a sunny spot to read it in. If it rains, then a nice dry place to enjoy a cuppa and a good read while you watch it rain.  Friday means it’s time for another episode of Dragon Ascending. Last week Fury and his crew come to the rescue of a ship only to discover that its crew had been up to something sinister. This week Mac, Manning and Fury interrogate the crew of the rescued ship concerning the fate of the mysterious woman. I hope you’re enjoying Dragon Ascending, the sequel to Piloting Fury, as much as I’m enjoying sharing it with you. As always, I love it when you share my work with your reading friends, so feel free. In the meantime, enjoy!

If you missed the previous episode of Dragon Ascending, follow the link for a catch-up. If you wish to start from the beginning, of Dragon Ascending. Follow the link.  

Dragon Ascending

On a desolate junkyard of a planetoid, scavenger Lenore Felik, disturbs something slumbering in a remote salvage dump and uncovers secrets of a tragic past and of the surprising role she must play in the terrifying present she now faces.

Robbed of her inheritance after her tyrannical father’s death, Tenad Fallon is out for revenge on her half-brothers, one who happens to be the sentient ship, Fury. Fury, with his human companions, Richard Manning and Diana McAllister, has his own agenda – finding the lost sentient ships and ending the scourge of indentured servitude in Authority space.




Dragon Ascending Part 8: They Reek of Fear and Violence

“They reek of fear and violence,” Fury commented, as Mac and Manning approached the holding cell. They were monitoring their guest’s abusive demands to be released. Their behavior was not that of the innocent. “I have fixed their ship,” Fury added. “Perhaps I will program it to take them on a one way tour of the system’s sun. A warm vacation might be just what they need to relieve the stress under which they’re about find themselves.”

The injections to combat radiation poisoning had been administered by a med-bot, and the three men had been decontaminated before Fury would permit Mac and Manning to enter the cell. “According to the med-bot’s data stream, there were other injuries,” Fury informed them as the lift descended. “The data stream confirms that all three have recently had sex and it was not masturbatory.” Mac shivered and knot tightened in her stomach. Fury was sometimes the king of TMI. He continued with his assessment “One has a broken nose, recently and badly set. The ship’s med-bot is not functioning. One has bites to his tongue and on both lips some self-inflicted, some not, and there are scratches and bite marks on his face, which were of course, not self inflicted. There are also contusions and cuts on the captain’s knuckles conducive to hitting someone, and he has a cracked rib. The woman fought back. However, I cannot say whether she survived for she was not onboard.”

“Fuck,” Manning said. “Whatever happened it wasn’t a friendly party. If she’s dead,” he added.

“Then so are they.” Fury finished for him. Mac didn’t argue. The lift opened, and they stood in front of the pressure door that separated the main cargo hold from what was now being used as the brig. Mac stopped and took a deep breath.

“You sure you want to do this?” Manning placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You know you don’t have to.” She gave a single nod and just her willing it to do so opened the door.

The men had been sitting on the floor against the wall. They were given no comfort. They all sprang to the feet, and the captain took an aggressive step forward. “Who the hell are you? You have no right to hold us prisoner, bitch.”

“The bitch is the one who saved your worthless carcasses, and she just happens to be an Authority agent, asshole,” Manning said stepping in by her side and shoving the man back with a flat palm hard enough to expel the oxygen from his lungs, “and she doesn’t take kindly to abuse.” That shut them all up, and Mac too for a moment.

“Just go with it,” Fury said inside her head. “Richard Manning can be quite the actor when he chooses, and we both know you can con anyone.”

The three men stood before her, pale and smelling of nerves and guilt. She and Manning both had enhance senses thanks to their bonding with Fury, and at the moment, in the tight quarters, that was not a nice thing. She paced in front of the three letting the depth of the shit they were in sink in a little bit, then she spoke. “Before you bother denying anything, remember, we have ways to get the answers we want, ways none of you is strong enough to withstand.” Vaticana Jesu, she would have rolled her eyes at that corny remark, and Manning would have laughed his ass off, but there was nothing humorous about the situation. And the three men didn’t seem to find it humorous in the least. “You’re ship’s registered in the New Kingston sector. What business do you have in the Taklamakan?”

“Salvage. Why the fuck else would anyone be out here in this shit hole?” The captain replied. He didn’t like being questioned by a woman.

“Delivering or buying?”


“Brought in a load of spent solar cells. We had some bad luck on the way so we set down for repairs.”

“From the looks of it you need a few more repairs,” she observed. “What happened?”

“Apparently we missed a small rupture in the fuel tank,” the man said, then he added with an ingratiating smile. “It’s an old ship.”

“He’s lying,” came Fury’s voice inside her head. “There was no rupture. The ship was targeted from the planetoid. Though he doesn’t know that. It all happened too fast. There is no such capability in the whole system.”

Except for an SNT in hiding, Mac thought. To the captain, she said, “sounds like you should fire your engineer.”

The man growled something under his breath about uppity cunts, then shut up right fast when Manning growled back and cracked his knuckles.

“No offence, but you’re a long way from Authority space out here,” the captain said. “And I’m not so dumb that I don’t know what an Authority Jaeger looks like, and this ain’t it.”

“I’d say you’re pretty dumb, not knowing when to keep your mouth shut,” she said. “You had a passenger. What happened to her?”

The three men went silent. There was a lot of subtle eye-sliding between them. Nothing Fury or any of his crew would miss. “We dropped her off at a big salvage Dump out in the Sea of Death, just like she asked.”

“Hitching a ride, was she?” Mac asked. “I hear the Sea of Death isn’t exactly a vacation paradise. What? You were just planning to leave her there?”

There was some more half whispered curses, and the captain said. “We were in high orbit, lady. She paid us to pick her up again in three galactic days. I don’t know why the fuck she went there.”

“But you weren’t planning to come back for her, were you?” All three men went pale.

“Course we were. We told her all bets were off though if we got in trouble, like with our ship or anything. We told her – ”

“Did she pay you to beat her and violate her as well? Did she pay you to kick her out in the Sea of Death without her pack?” To Mac’s surprise it was Fury who spoke. The tightening in Manning’s shoulders told her he was surprised too, but Mac was sure if Fury hadn’t said something, Manning might have bashed in the man’s face for him.

“Hold on now,” the man raised both hand and backed away, “the bitch was willing enough to party, she was asking for it. Me and the boys, we – ”

Mac cut him off with a backhand that knocked him off his feet, cursing as he went down. He raised his hand to another broken nose to add to the list of crew injuries and a grunted nasal comment about a ball-busting bitch.

“The ball busting bitch has the authority to shackle your sorry ass and send you back to the nearest Triax mine.” The words were out of her mouth before Mac could be appalled, and she felt the shock run through the rest of her crew, but neither Fury nor Manning said anything. Suddenly the room was deathly silent. Feeling slightly queasy even at the thought of shackling anyone, she took a deep breath, forced a lazy smile and said. “They’re always looking for more help in the Triax mines. If we turn the three of you over, well, there’d be a nice bonus for me and my crew.”

“Please, lady,” the engineer spoke up, glancing nervously at his captain on the floor. “We haven’t done anything deserving the shackle. We’ll tell you anything you want to know. Anything.”

“Did you kill her?” Manning asked.

“No! No, we didn’t, we wouldn’t,” he whined. “We put her down exactly where she asked us to. She was roughed up a bit, but,” he tried to chuckle, “some women like it rough.”

“Lie to me, and I will absolutely see that you get the shackle,” Mac growled. “There was way too much blood for her to have only been a little bit roughed up.”

“We left her by the big salvage yard in the Sea of Death, just like she asked, and she walked away under her own power. I swear it. Give me truth drug, hell give us all truth drug, just please don’t shackle us.”


Dragon Ascending Part 7: Brand New KDG Read

Happy Friday everyone!  I  hope last weeks reading highlights for March gave you some great ideas for fabulous reads. As always I’d love to hear from you if you find a great read and you want to share. This week, however, it’s time for another episode of Dragon Ascending. In our last longer bonus instalment we had a reunion with Fury, Mac and Manning. This week Fury and his crew come to the rescue of a ship and discover the crew has been up to something sinister. I hope you’re enjoying Dragon Ascending, the sequel to Piloting Fury, as much as I’m enjoying sharing it with you. As always, I love it when you share my work with your reading friends, so feel free. In the meantime, enjoy!

If you missed the previous episode of Dragon Ascending, follow the link for a catch-up. If you wish to start from the beginning, of Dragon Ascending. Follow the link. 

Dragon Ascending

On a desolate junkyard of a planetoid, scavenger Lenore Felik, disturbs something slumbering in a remote salvage dump and uncovers secrets of a tragic past and of the surprising role she must play in the terrifying present she now faces.

Robbed of her inheritance after her tyrannical father’s death, Tenad Fallon is out for revenge on her half-brothers, one who happens to be the sentient ship, Fury. Fury, with his human companions, Richard Manning and Diana McAllister, has his own agenda – finding the lost sentient ships and ending the scourge of indentured servitude in Authority space.



Dragon Ascending Part 7: Damages and Consequences

“There’s a ship coming in fast.”

“Shit!” Manning said. “Another Jaeger?”

“It is not,” came the reply. “And it is alone. It is sending a distress signal.” He put the other ship and it’s message on screen, but Fury and his compliment were cloaked and invisible to anything but another SNT.

The ship was tiny, an older starling class, battered and clearly not well cared for. “No doubt smugglers,” Manning observed. “Probably down on their luck come to Taklamakan Major to steal from the salvage dumps.”

The pilot was a scruffy man, who looked like he could use a bath. Mac wrinkled her nose at the thought. He was speaking the common tongue. She glanced at the telemetry. “They’re venting oxygen, and there’s a radiation leak. Ship’s in worse shape than some of the junk in the yards.”

“It will crash onto the planetoid if I do not tractor it,” Fury said.

“Do it,” Manning ordered. “And ‘tran the crew into the cargo bay.” There was no real need to tell Fury any of this, but there was a routine they had fallen into, and it comforted them all when they were together for the long haul, without seeing another being for endless stretches of time. Not that they were ever bored, nor did they ever have cabin fever, not with Fury, but for each of them to fulfill a role, was the maintaining of a structure on which their lives were now built. Manning was the captain, Mac was the pilot and Fury contained them, maintained them and cared for all three of them.

“I have them in the tractor beam,” Fury said.

To which the captain of the smaller vessel responded, “what the fuck?”

“You’re being ‘tranned into our cargo bay for radiation treatment until we access and repair your ship,” Fury responded.

“Wait a minute, ‘tranned? Are you fucking crazy? No ‘tranning! There’s been -” The crew of three were ‘tranned mid-rant.



“They sound charming,” Mac said. “Though I suppose considering that molecular transport is illegal and not nearly sophisticated enough for human transport, you can’t really blame them.”

“There is little choice,” Fury said. “Their ship is not safe for humanoids and I cannot fix it with them on board, nor will I risk any of my compliment to treat them under such dangerous circumstances.”

“Can you fix it?” Manning asked.

“I can. It should not take long. The repairs necessary are not complex, only the ship’s crew cannot manage the task on their own, and they have not properly cared for the vessel.” The sharp edge is Fury’s voice at the poor maintenance of a ship made his disapproval clear, but then with Fury’s mix of tech and biology, he could not keep from being sensitive to what he viewed as mistreatment. “I already do not like these men,” he commented. Both Manning and Mac nodded agreement.

“Let’s get them treated and sorted and out of here ASAP,” Manning said.

A sudden sense of static ran over both their skin and they shivered. “What is it, Fury?” Manning asked. “What’s wrong?”

“There is the scent of sex on all three of these men, one woman, and there is the scent of her blood. It was not consensual.”

“Fucking hell,” Mac cursed. “And she’s not onboard.”

“She is not.” The static of Fury’s anger rose.

“Then blow the bastards out the airlock,” Manning said.

“No wait.” Mac laid a hand on Manning’s arm, and the other against Fury’s consol. “If she’s still alive, she may need help.”

Manning blew out a sharp breath and nodded. Fury cursed, something he seldom did.

“Then we shall question them severely. I will do it myself.”

“Let me do it,” Mac said.

“No!” Both of her men said at the same time.

“What? You don’t think the two of you can rescue me if three men with radiation poisoning in our tight little cargo cabin get stroppy,” she used the term cargo cabin loosely. Where the men were was the place maintained to isolate certain types of humanoids from the rest of Fury’s compliment and from seeing what was not meant for them to see. In essence it was a jail when need be.

“Of course we could easily rescue you from these wastrels, dear Mac. It was our concern that this task shall be difficult for you, Mac, after what has been done to you.”

“But it will make me a helluva lot scarier than either of you could ever be.”

Manning rubbed his chin and nodded. “I’ve seen you scary, Mac.” She could feel Fury giving the SNT equivalent of a nod.

“Then I shall keep a lock on you at all times.”

“I’d expect nothing less,” she replied.

“And I’m coming with,” Manning added.

“Fair enough. I’ve seen you scary too, Manning,” she said.

“And if the two of you are not scary enough, I reserve the right to be terrifying.”

“We reserve the right to let you,” Mac said. She knew of nothing that frightened her more that the lengths to which an SNT would go to protect his compliment.


OUT NOW—Safe and Sound (The Dreadnoughts Book Three) by Lucy Felthouse (@cw1985) #reverseharem #rh #rhromance #whychoose #ku #kindleunlimited #thriller #superheroes

Safe and Sound is the third and final book in The Dreadnoughts series. All three books are currently in Kindle Unlimited, but will be withdrawn in August, so if you’re a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, make sure you read the books sooner rather than later! I would hate for you to miss out.


Kim is within touching distance of her goal – but is it already too late?

Kim Medhurst, ex-British military intelligence officer turned scientist and climate activist, is in a race against time. With help from her four men, she’s researching how to make the ygrene – the mysterious power source she retrieved from a remote Scottish island – a viable alternative to fossil fuel. An unexpected visitor recently bought them a little extra breathing space, but they’re painfully aware it won’t last forever.

Despite their hard work, the whole thing looks set to crash down around their ears when the greedy megalomaniac they’ve been desperate to avoid shows up on the Greig twins’ doorstep. While Kim and the gang would happily lay down their lives to stop the ygrene getting into the wrong hands, Kim would prefer to steer clear of violence. Their latest visitor claims he only wants to talk, but he’s brought goons carrying hardware, and Kim wouldn’t be Kim without a backup plan.

Will good prevail against evil, or have all the gang’s efforts and sacrifices been for nothing?

Buy at Amazon, read in Kindle Unlimited or purchase the paperback (audio coming later in the year):

Enjoy the other books in this completed series. It’s highly recommended you read them in order—it won’t make a lot of sense otherwise! These two books are available in eBook, paperback and audiobook formats.

Book one, Search and Rescue:

Book two, Cut and Run:


Author Bio:

Lucy Felthouse is the award-winning author of erotic romance novels Stately Pleasures (named in the top 5 of’s 100 Modern Erotic Classics That You’ve Never Heard Of), Eyes Wide Open (winner of the Love Romances Café’s Best Ménage Book 2015 award), The Persecution of the Wolves, Hiding in Plain Sight, and The Heiress’s Harem and The Dreadnoughts series. Including novels, short stories and novellas, she has over 170 publications to her name. Find out more about her writing at, or on Twitter or Facebook. Join her Facebook group for exclusive cover reveals, sneak peeks and more! Sign up for automatic updates on Amazon or BookBub. Subscribe to her newsletter here:

Release blitz organised by Writer Marketing Services.

My Reading Highlights for March

Hello Reading Compadres! Read any good books in March? Do tell! As for me, while February was characterized as a ‘meh’ month reading-wise, March more than made up for it. A long-awaited pre-order came out, and it most definitely did not disappoint. And best of all, what every reader lives for — I discovered a new author who totally rocked my month to the tune of an awesome, and quickly devoured, trilogy.


If you’ve been following my monthly reading blogs, then you will know that V.E. Schwab has recently become one of my very favorite writes. While her Darker Shade of Magic trilogy had been on my radar for a while, it was her runaway best seller, The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue that completely converted me to Schwab and had me binge reading all Schwab, all the time J That being the case, it should come as no surprise that I had pre-ordered her latest YA standalone, Gallant several months before its release. While written for a slightly younger audience that the YA I usually read, I would wholeheartedly recommend  Gallant to any age reader. Gallant is the story of what makes family and home told from the point of fourteen-year-old orphan, Olivia. Olivia is mute, and yet her character is one of the most eloquent and well drawn I have recently read. This novel is not to be missed, no matter how old you are. It has convinced me once again that Schwab is a goddess in her realm.



The other highlight of my reading month was the discovery of dark fantasy author, Jen Williams. OMG! Where has this author been all of my life. While at loose ends looking for my next read, I downloaded a sample of Williams’ The Ninth Rain, the first novel of The Winnowing Flame series. I didn’t stop reading until I had hungrily devoured the whole trilogy and ended up with big book- bereavement. Jen Williams has definitely not gotten the press she so well deserves. The Winnowing Flame series ticked every box and some I didn’t realize needed to be ticked. A middle-aged woman who is the head of a family of vintners, teams up with a drunken Eborian (think Fae who isn’t really Fae) running away from his dying land and a fire witch escaped from a notorious institution that exploits her kind team up to save their world from another wave of off-world invaders that are a nightmare mix of Borg and Heinlin’s Bugs. The characters a vibrant, well drawn and beautifully flawed. The chemistry between them is effervescent. Forced to work together, their mistrust is replaced with true friendship. The plot is nail biting and electric, with that delicious blend of fantasy, scifi and horror. If Williams didn’t already have me with this smorgasbord of reading delights, she brings in the dragon!



If you’ve not read anything by Jen Williams, do so without further delay, but don’t expect to sleep until the last book is finished. This month’s best read has to be The Winnowing flame trilogy.


In other news, I’ve just returned from another fabulous writing retreat at Northmoor House near Exmoor. I spent most of my time preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo coming up in April, so the reading will probably be sharply curtailed next month, but I’m all set to tackle another thirty day write-athon.


Next week there’ll be another episode of Dragon Ascending, so do check in. In the meantime, happy reading! If you have a book you think I absolutely must read, drop me a message.